Membres SPList (Microsoft.SharePoint)

Represents a list on a SharePoint Web site.

Les tableaux suivants contiennent la liste des membres exposés par le type SPList .

Champs protégés

  Nom Description
Champ protégé m_arrListProps Ce membre est réservé à un usage interne et n'a pas été conçu pour être utilisé directement à partir du code.
Champ protégé m_iRow Ce membre est réservé à un usage interne et n'a pas été conçu pour être utilisé directement à partir du code.
Champ protégé m_ListAttributesDict Ce membre est réservé à un usage interne et n'a pas été conçu pour être utilisé directement à partir du code.
Champ protégé m_Lists Ce membre est réservé à un usage interne et n'a pas été conçu pour être utilisé directement à partir du code.
Champ protégé m_Permissions Ce membre est réservé à un usage interne et n'a pas été conçu pour être utilisé directement à partir du code.

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Propriétés publiques

  Nom Description
Propriété publique AlertTemplate Gets or sets the alert template that is used by the list.
Propriété publique AllowContentTypes Returns true if the list supports content types.
Propriété publique AllowDeletion Gets or sets a Boolean value specifying whether the list can be deleted.
Propriété publique AllowEveryoneViewItems Gets or sets a Boolean value specifying whether everyone can view documents in the document library or attachments to items in the list.
Propriété publique AllowMultiResponses Gets or sets a Boolean value specifying whether users are allowed to give multiple responses to the survey.
Propriété publique AllowRssFeeds Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the list allows RSS feeds.
Propriété publique AllRolesForCurrentUser Gets all list roles to which the current user directly belongs, but excludes roles to which the user indirectly belongs, such as through membership in a domain group.
Propriété publique AnonymousPermMask Obsolete. Use the AnonymousPermMask64 property to get or set the base permissions for anonymous users of the list instead. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the AnonymousPermMask property got or set the permissions for anonymous users of the list.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique AnonymousPermMask64 Gets or sets the base permissions for anonymous users of the list.
Propriété publique Audit Gets the audit log that is associated with the list.
Propriété publique Author Gets an SPUser object that represents information about the user who created the list.
Propriété publique BaseTemplate Gets the list definition type on which the list is based.
Propriété publique BaseType Gets the base type for the list.
Propriété publique CanReceiveEmail Gets a Boolean value specifying whether the list can receive e-mail.
Propriété publique ContentTypes Gets the content types that are associated with the list.
Propriété publique ContentTypesEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value specifying whether content types are enabled for the list.
Propriété publique Created Gets the creation date and time for the list.
Propriété publique CurrentChangeToken Gets the change token that will be used in logging the next change to the list.
Propriété publique DefaultApprovalWorkflowId Use the DefaultContentApprovalWorkflowId property instead. Obsolète.
Propriété publique DefaultContentApprovalWorkflowId Gets or sets the globally unique identifier (GUID) of a workflow association that is used to manage the Content Approval process for the list.
Propriété publique DefaultItemOpen Gets or sets a value that specifies whether to open list items in a client application or in the browser.
Propriété publique DefaultView Gets the default view for the list.
Propriété publique DefaultViewUrl Gets the URL of the default view for the list.
Propriété publique Description Gets or sets the description for the list.
Propriété publique Direction Gets or sets the direction of the reading order for the list.
Propriété publique DraftVersionVisibility Gets or sets a value that determines the type of user who can view minor versions of document drafts within the list.
Propriété publique EffectiveBasePermissions Gets the effective base permissions of the current user for the list, including their group membership and policies.
Propriété publique EffectiveFolderPermissions Within an HTTP context, gets the effective base permissions for folders in the list.
Propriété publique EmailAlias If e-mail notification is enabled, gets or sets the e-mail address to use to notify to the owner of an item when an assignment has changed or the item has been updated.
Propriété publique EnableAssignToEmail Gets or sets a Boolean value specifying whether e-mail notification is enabled for the list.
Propriété publique EnableAttachments Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether attachments can be added to items in the list.
Propriété publique EnableDeployingList Gets or sets a Boolean value specifying whether the list can be deployed.
Propriété publique EnableDeployWithDependentList Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the list can be deployed with a dependent list.
Propriété publique EnableFolderCreation Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether folders can be created for the list.
Propriété publique EnableMinorVersions Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether minor versions are enabled when versioning is enabled for the document library.
Propriété publique EnableModeration Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether Content Approval is enabled for the list.
Propriété publique EnableSchemaCaching Gets or sets a Boolean value specifying whether schema caching is enabled for the list.
Propriété publique EnableSyndication Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether RSS syndication is enabled for the list.
Propriété publique EnableVersioning Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether versioning is enabled for the document library.
Propriété publique EventReceivers Gets the collection of event receivers that have been registered for the list.
Propriété publique EventSinkAssembly Gets or sets the strong name of a file in the global assembly cache that provides a Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 event handler for document library events.
Propriété publique EventSinkClass Gets or sets the fully qualified, case-sensitive name of a class that defines a Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 event handler for document library events.
Propriété publique EventSinkData Gets or sets an arbitrary string for use by a Windows SharePoint Services 2.0 event handler for document library events.
Propriété publique ExcludeFromTemplate Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the content of the list is included when the list is saved as a list template or when the site to which the list belongs is saved as a site template.
Propriété publique Fields Gets the collection of field objects that represents all the fields in the list.
Propriété publique FirstUniqueAncestor Gets the first ancestor of the parent Web site that has unique permissions, or if HasUniqueRoleAssignments is true, gets the list itself.
Propriété publique Folders Gets the collection of folder items for the list.
Propriété publique ForceCheckout Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether forced checkout is enabled for the document library.
Propriété publique Forms Gets a collection of form objects that represent the forms that are used in creating, editing, or displaying items in the list.
Propriété publique HasUniqueRoleAssignments Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether the list has unique security settings or whether it inherits its role assignments from a parent object.
Propriété publique Hidden Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the list is hidden.
Propriété publique ID Gets the GUID that identifies the list in the database.
Propriété publique ImageUrl Gets the server-relative URL for the icon that represents the list.
Propriété publique IrmEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether Information Rights Management (IRM) is enabled for the list.
Propriété publique IrmExpire Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether Information Rights Management (IRM) expiration is enabled for the list.
Propriété publique IrmReject Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether Information Rights Management (IRM) rejection is enabled for the list.
Propriété publique ItemCount Gets the number of items in the list, including folders.
Propriété publique Items Gets the collection of all items in the list. This property returns all metadata of each item in the list and can greatly diminish performance. It is recommended that you instead use the GetItems method to return items from a list, which allows you to specify which data to return.
Propriété publique LastItemDeletedDate Gets the date and time that an item in the list was last deleted.
Propriété publique LastItemModifiedDate Gets the date and time that an item, field, or property of the list was last modified.
Propriété publique Lists Gets the parent collection of lists to which the list belongs.
Propriété publique MajorVersionLimit Gets or sets the maximum number of major versions allowed for an item in a document library that uses version control with major versions only.
Propriété publique MajorWithMinorVersionsLimit Gets or sets the maximum number of major versions that are allowed for an item in a document library that uses version control with both major and minor versions.
Propriété publique MobileDefaultViewUrl Gets the URL of the default mobile view for the list.
Propriété publique MultipleDataList Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the list in a Meeting Workspace site contains data for multiple meeting instances within the site.
Propriété publique NoCrawl Gets or sets a Boolean value specifying whether crawling is enabled for the list.
Propriété publique OnQuickLaunch Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the list appears on the Quick Launch of the home page.
Propriété publique Ordered Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the option to allow users to reorder items in the list is available on the Edit View page for the list.
Propriété publique ParentWeb Gets the parent Web site for the list.
Propriété publique ParentWebUrl Gets the URL of the parent Web site for the list.
Propriété publique Permissions Use the RoleAssignments property instead, to get the collection of role assignments for the list. For more information, see Modifications dans le modèle objet d'autorisation. (In Windows SharePoint Services 2.0, the Permissions property returned the collection of permission objects that represented all the permissions for the list and is maintained for backward compatibility.) Obsolète.
Propriété publique PropertiesXml Gets a fragment in Schémas principaux du langage CAML (Collaborative Application Markup Language) that specifies property values for the list.
Propriété publique ReadSecurity Gets or sets the Read security setting for the list.
Propriété publique RequestAccessEnabled Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether the option to allow users to request access to the list is available.
Propriété publique RestrictedTemplateList Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether access to the template list is restricted.
Propriété publique ReusableAcl Gets an opaque object that represents the raw access control list (ACL) information for the list.
Propriété publique RoleAssignments Gets the collection of role assignments for the list.
Propriété publique RootFolder Gets the folder that contains all the files that are used in working with the list.
Propriété publique SchemaXml Gets the schema in Schémas principaux du langage CAML (Collaborative Application Markup Language) that defines the list.
Propriété publique SendToLocationName Gets or sets a file name to use when copying an item in the list to another document library.
Propriété publique SendToLocationUrl Gets or sets a URL to use when copying an item in the list to another document library.
Propriété publique ServerTemplateCanCreateFolders Gets a Boolean value that specifies whether server template folder creation is enabled for the list.
Propriété publique ShowUser Gets or sets a Boolean value that specifies whether names of users are shown in the results of the survey.
Propriété publique TemplateFeatureId Gets the globally unique identifier (GUID) of a template feature that is associated with the list.
Propriété publique Title Gets or sets the displayed title for the list.
Propriété publique Version Gets the version number of the list.
Propriété publique Views Gets the collection of view objects that represents all the views of the list.
Propriété publique WorkflowAssociations Gets the collection of workflow association objects that represents all the workflows that are associated with the list.
Propriété publique WriteSecurity Gets or sets the Write security setting for the list.

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Méthodes publiques

(voir aussi Méthodes protégées )

  Nom Description
Méthode publique AddWorkflowAssociation Adds a workflow association to the list.
Méthode publique BreakRoleInheritance Breaks the role assignment inheritance for the list and gives the current list its own copy of the role assignments.
Méthode publique CheckPermissions Checks the permissions for the list and throws UnauthorizedAccessException if the current user does not have the specified set of rights.
Méthode publique Delete Deletes the list.
Méthode publique DoesUserHavePermissions Surchargé. Checks the permissions of the list.
Méthode publique EnsureRssSettings Checks the RSS settings of the list, and, if necessary, updates them to ensure that the most current settings are used.
Méthode publique Equals  Surchargé. (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique GetChanges Surchargé. Queries the change log and returns a collection of changes that have occurred in the list.
Méthode publique GetContentTypeIdByUrl Returns the content type identifier for the content type with the specified URL.
Méthode publique GetDefaultViewForContentType Returns the default view of list data that is used by the specified content type.
Méthode publique GetDirectChildContentType Returns the content type identifier for the content type that is the direct child of the specified content type.
Méthode publique GetDistinctFieldValues Returns a two-dimensional object that represents an array of field values in which data duplication within a specified field in the list is eliminated and each value returned is unique.
Méthode publique GetHashCode  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique GetItemById Returns the list item with the specified integer ID.
Méthode publique GetItemByUniqueId Returns the list item that is associated with the specified global unique identifier (GUID).
Méthode publique GetItems Surchargé. Returns a collection of items from the list.
Méthode publique GetPropertiesXmlForUncustomizedViews Returns properties of the uncustomized views of the list, including the GUID, the type, the display name, the URL, and the ID of the base view.
Méthode publique GetType  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique GetUncustomizedViewByBaseViewId Returns the view object that is associated with the specified base view identifier.
Méthode publique GetUserEffectivePermissionInfo Gets an object with detailed information about the effective permissions that a specified user has on the list and the role assignments for this user at this scope.
Méthode publique GetUserEffectivePermissions Gets the effective permissions that a specified user has on the list.
Méthode publique GetView Returns a view of the list based on the specified GUID.
Méthode publique IsContentTypeAllowed Surchargé. Verifies that the list supports the specified content type.
Méthode publique Recycle Recycles the list and returns the list's globally unique identifier (GUID).
Méthode publique Statique ReferenceEquals  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique RemoveWorkflowAssociation Removes the specified workflow association from the list.
Méthode publique RenderAsHtml Returns a string representation of the specified query in HTML format.
Méthode publique ResetRoleInheritance Removes the local role assignments and reverts to role assignments from the parent list.
Méthode publique SaveAsTemplate Saves the list as a template in the list template gallery and includes the option of saving with or without the data that is contained in the current list.
Méthode publique Statique ServerTemplateCanReceiveEmail Returns a Boolean value that specifies whether the specified list template and Web site support receiving e-mail.
Méthode publique ToString Substitué. Returns the title of the list.
Méthode publique Update Surchargé. Updates the database with changes that are made to the list.
Méthode publique UpdateWorkflowAssociation Updates the specified workflow assocation.
Méthode publique WriteRssFeed Surchargé. Writes the RSS feeds from the list to a specified document stream.

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Méthodes protégées

  Nom Description
Méthode protégée EnsurePropsFresh Checks the properties of the list, and, if necessary, updates them to ensure that the most current settings are used.
Méthode protégée Finalize  (hérité de Object)
Méthode protégée MemberwiseClone  (hérité de Object)
Méthode protégée SetAttributesForPropertiesXML Ce membre est réservé à un usage interne et n'a pas été conçu pour être utilisé directement à partir du code.

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Voir aussi


SPList, classe
Microsoft.SharePoint, espace de noms