Membres SPBackupRestoreConsoleObject (Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup)

Represents a particular backup or restore operation.

Les tableaux suivants contiennent la liste des membres exposés par le type SPBackupRestoreConsoleObject .

Propriétés publiques

  Nom Description
Propriété publique BackupMethod When the operation is a backup, gets a value indicating whether the backup is full or incremental.
Propriété publique CurrentPhase Gets a value that indicates what phase of the backup or restore operation is underway.
Propriété publique ErrorCount Gets the total number of errors that have occurred during the backup or restore operation.
Propriété publique FailureMessage Gets a message explaining why the operation has failed.
Propriété publique FinishTime Gets the time and date that the operation finishes.
Propriété publique HasThreadError Gets a value that indicates whether the thread hosting the operation has an error.
Propriété publique Id Gets the unique ID of the backup or restore operation.
Propriété publique IsBackup Gets a value that indicates whether the operation is a backup or a restore.
Propriété publique IsFailure Gets a value indicating whether the backup or restore operation has failed.
Propriété publique LocalizedBackupMethod Gets a name for the backup method in the language of the current culture.
Propriété publique Location Gets the UNC path where the backup is stored.
Propriété publique Name Gets the name of the backup or restore operation.
Propriété publique NumberOfItemsCompleted Gets the total number of components that the operation has backed up or restored so far.
Propriété publique ParentTopComponent Gets the name of the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 component that is the parent to the top most component in the tree of components that the operation is backing up or restoring.
Propriété publique RequestedBy The user name of the person that requests the operation.
Propriété publique RestoreMethod When the operation is a restore, gets a value indicating whether the restoration creates a new tree of components or overwrites an existing one.
Propriété publique Settings Gets an object that holds settings for the backup or restore operation.
Propriété publique StartTime Gets the date and time at which the backup or restore operation started.
Propriété publique ThreadErrorMessage Gets or sets a message explaining a thread error.
Propriété publique TopComponent Gets the name of the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 component that is the top most component in the tree of components that the operation is backing up or restoring.
Propriété publique TotalItems Gets the total number of components being backed up or restored by the operation.
Propriété publique WarningCount Gets the total number of warnings that have occurred during the backup or restore operation.

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Méthodes publiques

(voir aussi Méthodes protégées )

  Nom Description
Méthode publique Equals  Surchargé. (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique GetHashCode  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique GetType  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique Statique ReferenceEquals  (hérité de Object)
Méthode publique ToString  (hérité de Object)

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Méthodes protégées

  Nom Description
Méthode protégée Finalize  (hérité de Object)
Méthode protégée MemberwiseClone  (hérité de Object)

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Voir aussi


SPBackupRestoreConsoleObject, classe
Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.Backup, espace de noms