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Add an object to the text flow [BlendforVS_Blend4]

If you are working in a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) project, the text control objects RichTextBox, TextBlock, Label, and FlowDocumentScrollViewer in Blend for Visual Studio 2012 can contain other objects, such as images, shapes, and other text controls. After you add an object to one of these text controls, you can drag the object to wherever you want it to appear in the text.


You can also add an object to content controls (such as a Button), but the object will replace any existing text because those controls can contain only one child object.

If you are working in a Microsoft Silverlight project, Label and RichTextBox can contain other objects, such as images, shapes, and other text controls. TextBlock objects in Silverlight projects do not support inline objects.

For information about how to add one object to another object, see Add an element to a layout panel.

To add an object to a text object

  1. In the Objects and Timeline panel, click the RichTextBox, TextBlock, Label, or FlowDocumentScrollViewer object to which you want to add an object.

    Notice that a blue highlight appears around the object to indicate that it is now the active object. Any new object created on the artboard is always added as a child object of the active object.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Drag an image file from outside Blend onto the artboard over the text object.

    • Right-click an image in the Projects panel, and then click Insert.

    • From the Tools panel, select one of the drawing tools (for example, Ellipse JJ170872.d7a04618-e35a-44f9-b78c-1f22e38016c1(fr-fr,VS.110).png or Pen JJ170872.894f8612-e0ed-4e00-84cf-a9bc8f38fc54(fr-fr,VS.110).png), and then draw the object in the text control.

    • From the Tools panel or the Assets panel (click Assets JJ170872.0d8b8d29-1af9-418f-8741-be3097d76eab(fr-fr,VS.110).png), select a control (for example, a Grid panel JJ170872.a87ee957-7fbf-4135-a6ab-6de7e63160aa(fr-fr,VS.110).png or Button JJ170872.05df1779-a68f-436b-b834-a91b7995a3ec(fr-fr,VS.110).png), and then draw the object in the text control.

  3. Drag the object to the desired location in the text object.