msSiteModeAddJumpListItem Method

New for Windows Internet Explorer 9

Adds a new entry to the Jump List of a taskbar button.


window.external.msSiteModeAddJumpListItem(bstrName, bstrActionUri, bstrIconUri [, bstrWindowType])


bstrName Required. An entry title that is displayed in the Jump List.
bstrActionUri Required. An absolute or relative URL that opens when the item is clicked.
bstrIconUri Required. An absolute or relative URL of an icon file that is displayed next to the title in the Jump List.
bstrWindowType Optional. A String that specifies one of the following values.
The link opens in the current tab in the current pinned site window.
Default. The link opens in a new tab in the current pinned site window.
The link opens a new pinned site window.

Return Value

No return value.

Possible Exceptions

Not implemented (0x80004001) This method is not supported on Windows CE.


This method dynamically adds items to a custom Jump List. When the user selects a Jump List item, a new browser tab or window opens depending on the value of the bstrWindowType parameter. You must first create a Jump List with msSiteModeCreateJumpList before adding items to it. Items are not displayed until msSiteModeShowJumpList is called.

A Jump List can contain up to 20 links into your application and elsewhere; however, the shortcut menu limits the number of items that can be shown at one time. Items are removed from the end of the list to make room for others. If another Jump List item already exists with the same title and action URI, it is moved to the top of the list. If any item matches the title and action URI of an item that has been removed by the user, that item will not be added. To clear information about which items were removed by the user, call msSiteModeClearJumpList.

The Jump List is always present, regardless of whether the application is currently running. Links on the Jump List must contain enough context to successfully navigate and perform the requested action without application context. To create buttons that are only available when the application is running, and which might be disabled or hidden based on the context of the application, use the Thumbnail Toolbar. For more information, see msSiteModeShowThumbBar.

The Jump List is designed primarily for dynamic tasks that change as the user interacts with your application. Tasks that do not change frequently can be defined with msapplication-task  meta elements. For more information, see msAddSiteMode.


The following example creates a Jump List, adds an item to it, and makes it visible.

window.external.msSiteModeCreateJumplist('Recent Videos');
window.external.msSiteModeAddJumpListItem('Video1', 'Video1.htm', 'Images/Video.ico');

Applies To


See Also

msSiteModeCreateJumpList, msSiteModeShowJumpList