Méthode ExecuteReader (String, SqlCommand)

Executes a reader using a SqlDataReader object value that contains one or more result sets.

Espace de noms :  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common
Assembly :  Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo (en Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo.dll)


Public Function ExecuteReader ( _
    sqlCommand As String, _
    <OutAttribute> ByRef command As SqlCommand _
) As SqlDataReader
Dim instance As ServerConnection
Dim sqlCommand As String
Dim command As SqlCommand
Dim returnValue As SqlDataReader

returnValue = instance.ExecuteReader(sqlCommand, _
public SqlDataReader ExecuteReader(
    string sqlCommand,
    out SqlCommand command
SqlDataReader^ ExecuteReader(
    String^ sqlCommand, 
    [OutAttribute] SqlCommand^% command
member ExecuteReader : 
        sqlCommand:string * 
        command:SqlCommand byref -> SqlDataReader 
public function ExecuteReader(
    sqlCommand : String, 
    command : SqlCommand
) : SqlDataReader


Valeur de retour

Type : System.Data.SqlClient. . :: . .SqlDataReader
A SqlDataReader object value that contains one or more result sets.


The SqlDataReader object is returned to let the client process the data without requiring it to read all information into memory.