WebApp.Start Method

Start a web app using default settings.

This member is overloaded. For complete information about this member, including syntax, usage, and examples, click a name in the overload list.

Overload List

  Name Description
Public methodStatic member Start(String) Start a web app using the given settings and entry point type, using defaults for items not specified.
Public methodStatic member Start<TStartup>(String) Start a web app using default settings and the given url and entry point type.e.g. Discover the ServerFactory and run at the given url.
Public methodStatic member Start(StartOptions) Start a web app with the given options, using defaults for items not specified.
Public methodStatic member Start<TStartup>(StartOptions) Start a web app using the given settings and entry point type, using defaults for items not specified.
Public methodStatic member Start(String, Action<IAppBuilder>) Start a web app using default settings and the given url and entry point.e.g. Discover the ServerFactory and run at the given url.
Public methodStatic member Start(StartOptions, Action<IAppBuilder>) Start a web app using the given settings and entry point, using defaults for items not specified.


See Also


WebApp Class

Microsoft.Owin.Hosting Namespace