AuthenticationHandler<TOptions> Methods

The AuthenticationHandler<TOptions> type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected method ApplyResponseChallengeAsync Override this method to dela with 401 challenge concerns, if an authentication scheme in question deals an authentication interaction as part of it's request flow. (like adding a response header, or changing the 401 result to 302 of a login page or external sign-in location.) (Inherited from AuthenticationHandler.)
Protected method ApplyResponseCoreAsync Core method that may be overridden by handler. The default behavior is to call two common response activities, one that deals with sign-in/sign-out concerns, and a second to deal with 401 challenges. (Inherited from AuthenticationHandler.)
Protected method ApplyResponseGrantAsync Override this method to dela with sign-in/sign-out concerns, if an authentication scheme in question deals with grant/revoke as part of it's request flow. (like setting/deleting cookies) (Inherited from AuthenticationHandler.)
Public method AuthenticateAsync Causes the authentication logic in AuthenticateCore to be performed for the current request at most once and returns the results. Calling Authenticate more than once will always return the original value. This method should always be called instead of calling AuthenticateCore directly. (Inherited from AuthenticationHandler.)
Protected method AuthenticateCoreAsync The core authentication logic which must be provided by the handler. Will be invoked at most once per request. Do not call directly, call the wrapping Authenticate method instead. (Inherited from AuthenticationHandler.)
Protected method BaseInitializeAsync (Inherited from AuthenticationHandler.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method GenerateCorrelationId (Inherited from AuthenticationHandler.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method InitializeCoreAsync (Inherited from AuthenticationHandler.)
Public method InvokeAsync Called once by common code after initialization. If an authentication middleware responds directly to specifically known paths it must override this virtual, compare the request path to it's known paths, provide any response information as appropriate, and true to stop further processing. (Inherited from AuthenticationHandler.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method TeardownCoreAsync (Inherited from AuthenticationHandler.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method ValidateCorrelationId (Inherited from AuthenticationHandler.)


See Also


AuthenticationHandler<TOptions> Class

Microsoft.Owin.Security.Infrastructure Namespace