Méthode ISfcConnection.Copy

Uses the SFC connection to copy the server connection.

Espace de noms :  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common
Assembly :  Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo (en Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo.dll)


Private Function Copy As ISfcConnection Implements ISfcConnection.Copy
Dim instance As ServerConnection
Dim returnValue As ISfcConnection

returnValue = CType(instance, ISfcConnection).Copy()
ISfcConnection ISfcConnection.Copy()
virtual ISfcConnection^ Copy() sealed = ISfcConnection::Copy
private abstract Copy : unit -> ISfcConnection 
private override Copy : unit -> ISfcConnection 
JScript prend en charge l'utilisation d'implémentations d'interface explicites, mais pas la déclaration de nouvelles implémentations d'interface.

Valeur de retour

Type : Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common. . :: . .ISfcConnection
A ISfcConnectionRepresenting a copy of this connection..


ISfcConnection. . :: . .Copy() () () ()