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SDM Prototype Generator (ProtoGen.exe)

SDM Prototype Generator (ProtoGen.exe)

The SDM Prototype Generator (ProtoGen.exe) tool generates an initial Distributed System Designer prototype file for an abstract type. The file that is generated can be an application prototype (.adprototype), a logical server prototype (.lddprototype), or an endpoint prototype (.adprototype or .lddprototype).

ProtoGen.exe/File <file> /Layer <layer> 
 /Position <position> /Bitmap <file> /Output <directory> /Template <directory>
ProtoGen.exe/Type <type> /Layer <layer> /Document <name>
 /TypeName <sdmTypeName> /Output <file> /Name <name>
 /Caption <caption> /Position <position> /Bitmap <file> /Template <directory>


  • /File <file>
    Short form: /F

    Required. The name of the .sdmdocument file to process. Prototypes will be created for all valid SDM types in the file.

    You can use either the /File switch or the /Type switch with the Protogen tool. If the /File switch is used, no other switches are required.

  • /Type <type>
    Short form: /T

    Required. The SDM type.



You can use either the /File switch or the /Type switch with the Protogen tool. If the /Type switch is used, the /Layer, /Document, and /TypeName switches are required.

/Layer <layer>

Short form: /L

  • If the /Type switch is used: Required. The layer for which the prototype is being generated. Specify a value of Application for an Application Designer prototype or a Host for a Logical Datacenter Designer prototype.

    This value defaults to the layer that is specified in <typeName>. If no layer is specified by <sdmType> or by the /Layer option, an error is returned.

  • If the /File switch is used: Optional. The default layer for SDM types (endpoints or systems) whose layer is not explicitly specified in the .sdmdocument file. If this switch is not used, the prototypes are not generated for types that are missing the Layer attribute. Valid values: Application or Host.

/Document <name>

Short form: /D

Required. The identity of the .sdm file that contains the SDM type.

/TypeName <sdmTypeName>

Short form: /N

Required. The name of the SDM type.

/Output <file>

Short form: /O

  • If the /Type switch is used: Optional. The filename for the output prototype. This value defaults to the <sdmTypeName> value specified with <layer> specific extensions (.adprototype or .lddprototype).
  • If the /File switch is used: Optional. The directory to which to output the prototypes. The default directory is the working directory.

/Name <name>

Optional. The name of the prototype. The name is used by Visual Studio as the F1 Help keyword for the Toolbox item. This value identifies the prototype in the Toolbox and must be unique from any other prototype name in the Toolbox. This value defaults to the <sdmTypeName> value specified.

/Bitmap <file>

Short form: /B

Optional. The filename of a 16x16 pixel bitmap to display as the Toolbox icon. This value defaults to the standard SystemDefinition icon for application and logical server prototypes, and to the standard EndpointDefinition icon for endpoint prototypes.

/Caption <caption>

Short form: /C

Optional. The tooltip for the prototype in the Toolbox. This value defaults to the <typeName> value specified.

/Position <position>

Short form: /P

Optional. The integer value used to position the toolbox item. This value defaults to the total number of items in the list of toolbox items (the end of the list). This switch controls the position that the item will appear in the toolbox only after the toolbox is reset or created for the first time when a new user starts Visual Studio.

/Template <template>

Short form: /E

Optional. The directory where the *.prototypeTemplate files are located. This switch allows you to override the default directory where these files are typically installed. Protogen.exe uses the corresponding *.prototypeTemplate file as a base template along with the files you provide to create the prototype. The default directory is …\Program Files\Microsoft\Visual Studio <versionNumber>\Common7\Tools\DesignerPrototypes\Prototypes for the latest version of Visual Studio you installed.


Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Architects or Visual Studio Team System 2008 Architecture Edition must be installed to use the SDM command-line tools and compile the SDM samples.

Example Code

The following example creates the MyLogicalServer.lddprototype file.

ProtoGen /Type System /Layer Application
/Document Microsoft.Samples.MyLogicalServer.sdm /TypeName MyLogicalServer 
/Output /MyLogicalServer.lddprototype

See Also

How to: Create an SDM Endpoint

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Build date: 10/2/2007