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Records Center Web Service Methods

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For a Web service to act as a Records Center Web service for Windows SharePoint Services, it must implement the methods defined in the Records Center Web service description. This service description defines the following methods:

  • SubmitFile

  • GetRecordRouting

  • GetRecordRoutingCollection

  • GetServerInfo

Currently, Windows SharePoint Services invokes only the SubmitFile method.

Following are descriptions of these methods. For the complete Web service description, see Records Center Web Service Description.

SubmitFile Method

Submits a file as a given record routing type, along with its metadata and audit history.

Windows SharePoint Services invokes this method when a user sends a file to the records center, either through the user interface or object model.

public string SubmitFile(
    byte []fileToSubmit, 
    RecordsRepositoryProperty []properties, 
    string recordRouting, 
    string sourceUrl, 
    string userLoginName)



The file being submitted.


The metadata being submitted with the file. Each RecordsRepositoryProperty object has the following public string fields:

  • Name   The name of the metadata property.

  • Other   Any additional information to send with the property.

  • Type   The data type of the property, if it corresponds to a Windows SharePoint Services field data type.

  • Value   The value of the metadata property.

Optionally, you can include XML that represents the audit history of the file being submitted. To do this, include a property named Audit History, with a Type property of XML. Store the actual audit history as XML in the Other property.

Windows SharePoint Services automatically includes the audit history when it invokes the SubmitFile method when a user sends a file to the records center, either through the user interface or object model.


The record routing type of the file.


The original URL of the file being submitted.


The login name of the user who is submitting the file.

Return Type

This method must return a string that represents the result of the method call, in the following format:


Result code values include:

  • Success

  • MoreInformation

  • InvalidConfiguration

  • InvalidArgument

  • InvalidUser

  • NotFound

  • FileRejected

  • UnknownError

If the file is missing required properties, the SubmitFile method can return a request for more information, using the MoreInformation result code:


Where the ResultUrl element represents the path to the edit form for the item, where the user can enter the missing properties for the item.

If the file is uploaded successfully, the SubmitFile method returns a Success result code.

GetRecordRoutingCollection Method

Returns the properties of all record routing types for a records center, as well as the metadata schema for each.

Windows SharePoint Services currently does not invoke this method.

public string GetRecordRoutingCollection()

Return Type

This method returns a string representing an XML document that contains the definition information for each record routing type:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Aliases

In the case of an exception, this method may instead return a string representing an exception message.

GetRecordRouting Method

Returns the name, description, and aliases of a given record routing type.

Windows SharePoint Services currently does not invoke this method.

public string GetRecordRouting(string recordRouting)



The record routing type name for which you want to get information.

Return Type

This method returns a string representing an XML document that contains the definition information for the specified record routing type:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Aliases

For example:


Each Mapping element defines an alias for the record routing type.

In the case of an exception, this method may instead return a string representing an exception message.

GetServerInfo Method

Returns information on an implementation of the records center.

Windows SharePoint Services currently does not invoke this method.

public string GetServerInfo()

Return Type

Returns a string representing an XML fragment that contains information on the server acting as the records center for this Web application.

In the case of an exception, this method may instead return a string representing an exception message.

See Also


Records Center Overview

Using Record Routing Types

Records Center Web Service Description