ISPDocumentParser.Demote Method

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Reads the document properties that are contained in the specified property bag and writes those properties into the specified document.




[in] The document into which the document properties are to be written.


[in] The property bag object from which the parser reads the document properties.


[out] Whether the parser has changed the document. True if the parser has changed the document, False if it has not.

Return Value

The parser methods return typical HRESULT values. In general, the parser should return a positive OK value when successful or a negative FAIL value when unsuccessful.


Windows SharePoint Services can invoke the parser to demote properties or write a column value into the matching property in the document itself. When Windows SharePoint Services invokes this method, it passes the document to the parser, as well as a property bag object. In this case, the property bag object contains the properties that Windows SharePoint Services expects the parser to demote into the document.

If the parser has altered the document, as specified by the pfChanged argument, Windows SharePoint Services uploads the updated document to the document library.

For more information, see Document Parser Processing.

See Also


Custom Document Parsers

Document Parser Processing

Document Parser Interface Overview