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September 2012

Volume 27 Number 09

September 2012 Code Downloads

September 2012

Cutting Edge - Mobile Site Development, Part 4: Managing Device Profiles

Dino Esposito shows how to classify mobile devices in order to build a Web site that serves different markup to different devices based on their capabilities.
VB version

Data Points - Moving Existing Projects to EF 5

To take advantage of enum support and other features added to Entity Framework in the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5, you need the compatible version of EntityFramework.dll, EF 5. Julie Lerman helps to ease the migration.
VB version

Test Run - Coding Logistic Regression with Newton-Raphson

There are plenty of resources describing the complex mathematics behind finding logistic regression beta parameters using Newton-Raphson, yet few implementation guides. James McCaffrey explains how logistic regression with Newton-Raphson works, and how to implement a solution in C#.
VB version

Touch and Go - Exploring Spherical Coordinates on Windows Phone

Charles lays the conceptual, mathematical and programmatic groundwork for a program that lets you point a Windows phone at a spot in the night sky and show the planets and constellations.
VB version