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July 2012

Volume 27 Number 07

July 2012 Code Downloads

July 2012

ASP.NET MVC 4 - Test-Driving ASP.NET MVC

Learn best practices and techniques for enhancing the testability of your ASP.NET MVC applications.
VB version

Data Points - Create and Consume JSON-Formatted OData

JSON is an increasingly important format for application development. Make sure you know how to consume OData in JSON format and create WCF Data Services that return JSON.
VB version

Internet of Things - A Smart Thermostat on the Service Bus

We continue our series on the Internet of Things by building a connected device—a smart thermostat—and wiring it up to the Windows Azure Service Bus.

Test Run - Classification and Prediction Using Neural Networks

In the May issue, James McCaffrey explained the basics of neural networks. Now he shows you how to use neural networks to classify existing data into groups, and to predict the group membership of new data.
VB version

The Working Programmer - The Science of Computers

Our columnist enlists the help of a bona-fide computer scientist to explain how developers can make their lives a little easier by understanding the theories behind certain parts of computer science.

Touch and Go - Windows Phone Motion and 3D Views

When a Windows Phone program knows the orientation of the phone in 3D space, the phone can provide a portal into a 3D world. The new Motion class makes it possible, as Charles Petzold explains.
VB version

Windows Phone - Writing a Compass Application for Windows Phone

Windows Phone now exposes sensors such as the accelerometer, GPS and compass (magnetometer). Here, Donn Morse walks through the creation of a compass app to demonstrate how developers can interact with that sensor.
VB version