VoipCallCoordinator.RequestNewOutgoingCall method

[This topic contains pre-release information and is subject to change. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]


Notifies the system of a new outgoing call.


public void RequestNewOutgoingCall(
  string context, 
  string contactName, 
  VoipCallMedia media, 
  out VoipPhoneCall call
Public Sub RequestNewOutgoingCall(
  context As String,  
  contactName As String,  
  media As VoipCallMedia,  
  <OutAttribute> ByRef call As VoipPhoneCall 
void RequestNewOutgoingCall(
  String^ context, 
  String^ contactName, 
  VoipCallMedia media, 
  [OutAttribute] VoipPhoneCall^ call


  • context
    Type: System.String [.NET] | Platform::String [C++]

    A string that is passed to the associated foreground app as a deep link. This might be a contact name or other data that can be used to populate the app's UI more quickly. The maximum length is 128 characters. This parameter must be non-null and must refer to a task defined in the app's manifest file.

  • contactName
    Type: System.String [.NET] | Platform::String [C++]

    The name or ID of the caller which is displayed in the phone's minimized call UI. The maximum length is 128 characters.

  • media
    Type: VoipCallMedia

    The media types of the new outgoing call.

  • call (out parameter)
    Type: VoipPhoneCall

    The object representing the new outgoing call.


Minimum supported client

Windows 8 Release Preview

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2012


Windows.Phone.Networking.Voip Windows::Phone::Networking::Voip [C++]



See also




Build date: 7/25/2012