Fingerprint biometrics

This article explains how to add fingerprint biometrics to your Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app. Including a request for fingerprint authentication when the user must consent to a particular action increases the security of your app. For example, you could require fingerprint authentication before authorizing an in-app purchase, or access to restricted resources. Fingerprint authentication is managed using the UserConsentVerifier class in the Windows.Security.Credentials.UI namespace.

Check the device for a fingerprint reader

To find out whether the device has a fingerprint reader, call UserConsentVerifier.CheckAvailabilityAsync. Even if a device supports fingerprint authentication, your app should still provide users with an option in Settings to enable or disable it.

public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<string> CheckFingerprintAvailability()
    string returnMessage = "";

        // Check the availability of fingerprint authentication.
        var ucvAvailability = await Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.UserConsentVerifier.CheckAvailabilityAsync();

        switch (ucvAvailability)
            case Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.UserConsentVerifierAvailability.Available:
                returnMessage = "Fingerprint verification is available.";
            case Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.UserConsentVerifierAvailability.DeviceBusy:
                returnMessage = "Biometric device is busy.";
            case Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.UserConsentVerifierAvailability.DeviceNotPresent:
                returnMessage = "No biometric device found.";
            case Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.UserConsentVerifierAvailability.DisabledByPolicy:
                returnMessage = "Biometric verification is disabled by policy.";
            case Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.UserConsentVerifierAvailability.NotConfiguredForUser:
                returnMessage = "The user has no fingerprints registered. Please add a fingerprint to the " +
                                "fingerprint database and try again.";
                returnMessage = "Fingerprints verification is currently unavailable.";
    catch (Exception ex)
        returnMessage = "Fingerprint authentication availability check failed: " + ex.ToString();

    return returnMessage;

To request user consent from a fingerprint scan, call the UserConsentVerifier.RequestVerificationAsync method. For fingerprint authentication to work, the user must have previously added a fingerprint "signature" to the fingerprint database.

When you call the UserConsentVerifier.RequestVerificationAsync, the user is presented with a modal dialog requesting a fingerprint scan. You can supply a message to the UserConsentVerifier.RequestVerificationAsync method that will be displayed to the user as part of the modal dialog, as shown in the following image.

private async System.Threading.Tasks.Task<string> RequestConsent(string userMessage)
    string returnMessage;

    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userMessage))
        userMessage = "Please provide fingerprint verification.";

        // Request the logged on user's consent via fingerprint swipe.
        var consentResult = await Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.UserConsentVerifier.RequestVerificationAsync(userMessage);

        switch (consentResult)
            case Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.UserConsentVerificationResult.Verified:
                returnMessage = "Fingerprint verified.";
            case Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.UserConsentVerificationResult.DeviceBusy:
                returnMessage = "Biometric device is busy.";
            case Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.UserConsentVerificationResult.DeviceNotPresent:
                returnMessage = "No biometric device found.";
            case Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.UserConsentVerificationResult.DisabledByPolicy:
                returnMessage = "Biometric verification is disabled by policy.";
            case Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.UserConsentVerificationResult.NotConfiguredForUser:
                returnMessage = "The user has no fingerprints registered. Please add a fingerprint to the " +
                                "fingerprint database and try again.";
            case Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.UserConsentVerificationResult.RetriesExhausted:
                returnMessage = "There have been too many failed attempts. Fingerprint authentication canceled.";
            case Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.UserConsentVerificationResult.Canceled:
                returnMessage = "Fingerprint authentication canceled.";
                returnMessage = "Fingerprint authentication is currently unavailable.";
    catch (Exception ex)
        returnMessage = "Fingerprint authentication failed: " + ex.ToString();

    return returnMessage;