actionURL property

[This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.]

Gets the URL of a Jump List item that is removed.

This property is not supported for Metro style apps using JavaScript.

Internet Explorer 9


HRESULT value = object.get_actionURL(BSTR* p);

Property values

Type: BSTR

the URL of the Jump List item.


The HTMLDocumentEvents4::onmssitemodejumplistitemremoved event is raised on two conditions:

  1. The IShellUIHelper4::msSiteModeShowJumpList method was called
  2. An item has been removed from the Jump List since the previous invocation of IShellUIHelper4::msSiteModeShowJumpList

The action URL that is returned in this event property is the same URL that is set by the pinned site with IShellUIHelper4::msSiteModeAddJumpListItem.

See also






Build date: 6/12/2012