Virtual Subunit Device Identifiers

Similar to the format of device identifier (ID) fields for peer subunits, the format that Avc.sys uses to generate virtual subunit device identifier strings, based on the format described in AV/C Device IDs, is as follows:

  • Hardware identifier

This hardware identifier is the most complete, but this is seldom specified in an INF file because the subunit identifier (the last ampersand-delimited portion of the device identifier) is not usually of interest.

  • Compatible identifiers

While Avc.sys does not provide this kind of compatible identifier for peer subunits, it does provide this kind of compatible identifier for virtual subunits.

While Avc.sys does not provide this kind of compatible identifier for peer subunits, it does provide this kind of compatible identifier for virtual subunits.

A "universal" unit driver includes this entry in its INF file.