Windows Portable Device (WPD) driver samples

The driver samples in this directory provide a starting point for writing a custom WPD driver for your device.

Sample Description
WPD Basic Hardware Sample Driver (UMDF 1) A WPD sample driver that supports nine sensor devices that integrate with the Parallax BS2 programmable microcontroller.
Hello World Example This sample driver supports four objects: a device object, a storage object, a folder object, and a file object. Each object supports a set of properties.
Multi-transport driver Demonstrates how you could extend the WpdHelloWorldDriver for a device that supports multiple transports. A transport is a protocol over which a portable device communicates with a computer. Example transports include Internet Protocol (IP), Bluetooth, and USB.
WPD service sample driver Demonstrates how to extend the WpdHelloWorldDriver sample so that it supports a simulated device with a Contacts device service.
WUDF driver A comprehensive WPD sample driver demonstrates virtually all aspects of the WPD device driver interface (DDI).