Defining the Service Objects

In WPD, the logical entities on devices are referred to as objects. Objects can represent informational or functional parts of a device. Any object has one or more properties. You can think of the properties as object-description metadata. For example, the Contacts service object on the sample driver supports a Name property that specifies a friendly-name for the service.

The WpdHelloWorldDriver supports the objects that are shown in the following table.

Object Description
Device The root object that contains descriptive properties like the firmware version, the model, and the friendly name.
Storage An object that exposes properties like a storage capacity, a file-system type, and a count of free bytes.
Folder An object that exposes properties like a folder name.
File An object that exposes properties like a file name and actual file contents.

Similar to the WpdHelloWorldDriver, the WpdServiceSampleDriver continues to support a Storage object. However, because the sample does not support a folder or file (for simplicity), we removed these objects and replaced them with a single object that corresponds to a Contact. The following table lists the objects that the new driver supports.

Object Description
Device The root object that contains descriptive properties like the firmware version, the model, and the friendly name.
Storage An object that exposes properties like a storage capacity, a file-system type, and a count of free bytes.
Contacts A service object that contains properties like an object identifier, a persistent unique ID (PUID), a name, and so on.

In WPD, objects are identified by strings. The string identifier for the Device Object is defined in the Portabledevice.h header file:


The string identifiers for the Storage object are defined in the FakeStorage.h header file:

#define STORAGE_OBJECT_ID                                 L"123ABC"
#define STORAGE_CAPACITY_VALUE                            1024 * 1024
#define STORAGE_SERIAL_NUMBER_VALUE                       L"98765432109876-54321098765432"
#define STORAGE_OBJECT_NAME_VALUE                         L"Internal Memory"
#define STORAGE_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE_VALUE                    L"FAT32"
#define STORAGE_DESCRIPTION_VALUE                         L"Phone Memory Storage System"
#define STORAGE_TYPE                                      WPD_STORAGE_TYPE_FIXED_ROM

The string identifiers for the Contacts object are defined in the FakeContactsServiceContent.h header file:

#define CONTACTS_SERVICE_OBJECT_ID                        L"789DEF"
#define CONTACTS_SERVICE_PERSISTENT_UNIQUE_ID             L"{95A95EA9-9904-430E-8FF6-70851F208478}"
#define CONTACTS_SERVICE_OBJECT_NAME_VALUE                L"Contacts"
#define CONTACTS_SERVICE_HUMAN_READABLE_NAME              L"Hello World Phone Contacts"
#define CONTACTS_SERVICE_VERSION                          L"1.0"

#define NUM_CONTACT_OBJECTS                               10

These object identifier constants are passed to a method in a source module that handles functional-object retrieval (FakeDevice.cpp) . The following excerpt from the FakeDevice::GetFunctionalObjects method shows how to use the CONTACTS_SERVICE_OBJECT_ID to build a collection of supported functional objects (SERVICE_Contacts is defined in the ContactsDeviceService.h header file and represents the functional category of the service object):

    // Add CONTACTS_SERVICE_OBJECT_ID to the functional object identifiers collection
    if (hr == S_OK)
        if ((guidFunctionalCategory  == SERVICE_Contacts) ||
            (guidFunctionalCategory  == WPD_FUNCTIONAL_CATEGORY_ALL))
            pv.vt       = VT_LPWSTR;
            pv.pwszVal  = CONTACTS_SERVICE_OBJECT_ID;
            hr = pFunctionalObjects->Add(&pv);
            CHECK_HR(hr, "Failed to add contacts service object ID");

The WpdServiceSampleDriver Sample

The WPD Driver Samples