Support for enumeration commands (WpdBasicHardwareDriverSample)

The sample driver supports three enumeration commands. These commands are processed initially by the WpdObjectEnumerator::DispatchMessage method that, in turn, invokes a corresponding command handler. The DispatchMessage method and the individual handlers are all found in the WpdObjectEnum.cpp file.

The information in the following table shows each of the supported property commands, together with the names of the handlers that DispatchMessage calls when it processes a given command. These commands are issued when an application calls one of several methods in the IPortableDeviceContent or the IEnumPortableDeviceObjectIDs interfaces.

Command Handler Description
WPD_COMMAND_OBJECT_ENUMERATION_START_FIND OnStartFind Creates a new enumeration context and stores it in the client context map.
WPD_COMMAND_OBJECT_ENUMERATION_FIND_NEXT OnFindNext Returns an object identifier for the requested object.
WPD_COMMAND_OBJECT_ENUMERATION_END_FIND OnEndFind Performs necessary cleanup at the conclusion of an enumeration.

For the sample driver, the code remains intact for the WPD_COMMAND_OBJECT_ENUMERATION_FIND_NEXT and WPD_COMMAND_OBJECT_ENUMERATION_END_FIND handlers. However, a portion of the code was modified for the WPD_COMMAND_OBJECT_ ENUMERATION_START_FIND handler.


The driver calls the WpdObjectEnumerator::OnStartFind handler in response to the WPD_COMMAND_OBJECT_ENUMERATION_START_FIND command. The handler, in turn, creates, initializes, and adds a new enumeration context to the client context map. For the sample driver, the InitializeEnumerationContext helper function that is called from within the OnStartFind handler was modified.

The modifications to both the OnStartFind handler and the InitializeEnumerationContext helper function included removing support for objects that were no longer supported (the storage, folder, and file objects) and adding support for the sensor object. The following is the code for the InitalizeEnumerationContext helper function:

VOID WpdObjectEnumerator::InitializeEnumerationContext(
    WpdObjectEnumeratorContext* pEnumeratorContext,
    CAtlStringW                 strParentObjectID)
    if (pEnumeratorContext == NULL)

    // Initialize the enumeration context with the parent object identifier
    pEnumeratorContext->m_strParentObjectID = strParentObjectID;

    // Our sample driver has a very simple object structure where we know
    // how many children are under each parent.
    // The eumeration context is initialized below with this information.
    if (strParentObjectID.CompareNoCase(L"") == 0)
        // Clients passing an 'empty' string for the parent are asking for the
        // 'DEVICE' object.  We should return 1 child in this case.
        pEnumeratorContext->m_TotalChildren = 1;
    else if (strParentObjectID.CompareNoCase(WPD_DEVICE_OBJECT_ID) == 0)
        // The device object contains 1 child (the sensor object).
        pEnumeratorContext->m_TotalChildren = 1;
    // If the sensor objects have children, add them here...
        // The sensor object contains 0 children.
        pEnumeratorContext->m_TotalChildren = 0;

The WpdBasicHardwareDriverSample

The WPD Driver Samples