Update the hotspot authentication sample

The Hotspot Authentication Sample project uses a default carrier ID and application family name. To use the sample in your own test environment, you must change the following items:

  • Update your Carrier ID If you are publishing a mobile broadband app, this should be the Experience ID that is associated with your app and service metadata. If you are a Wi-Fi-only operator, generate a new GUID to use as your company’s ID.

  • Update the SSID The SSID that you use for test should match the SSID in the provisioning file and must offer captive portal and WISPr challenge to connecting clients.

  • Sign the provisioning file If you are a Wi-Fi-only operator, you must sign the provisioning file. In the Windows 8 SDK or the Windows 8.1 SDK, find the tool ProvisioningTestHelper.psd1. Import this into a PowerShell session to add the following four additional cmdlets:

    • Install-TestEVCert Generates a new CA certificate, registers it on your test machine as a trusted EV SSL provider, and uses it to generate and sign an EV certificate for use in signing.

    • ConvertTo-SignedXml Uses an EV certificate (generated for test, or issued by a third-party provider) to apply an XML-DSig signature to a Provisioning Metadata XML file. This signature from a trusted certificate causes Windows to accept the provisioning file as valid from a mobile broadband app that has no affiliated hardware.

    • Test-SignedXml Checks a provisioning file to ensure schema conformance and valid signature.

    • Install-RootCertFromFile Applies the test root certificate on a different PC, to test the client experience on a machine other than the development PC.

Get started with a hotspot authentication app