TdhAggregatePayloadFilters function (tdh.h)

The TdhAggregatePayloadFilters function aggregates multiple payload filters for a single provider into a single data structure for use with the EnableTraceEx2 function.


TDHSTATUS TdhAggregatePayloadFilters(
                 ULONG                    PayloadFilterCount,
                 PVOID                    *PayloadFilterPtrs,
  [in, optional] PBOOLEAN                 EventMatchALLFlags,
  [out]          PEVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR EventFilterDescriptor



The count of payload filters.


An array of event payload single filters, each created by a call to the TdhCreatePayloadFilter function.

[in, optional] EventMatchALLFlags

An array of Boolean values that correspond to each payload filter passed in the PayloadFilterPtrs parameter and indicates how events are handled when multiple conditions are specified.. This parameter only affects situations where multiple payload filters are being specified for the same event.

When a Boolean value is TRUE, an event will be written to a session if any of the specified conditions specified in the filter are TRUE. If this flag is set to TRUE on one or more filters for the same event Id or event version, then the event is only written if all the flagged filters for the event are satisfied.

When a Boolean value is FALSE, an event will be written to a session only if all of the specified conditions specified in the filter are TRUE. If this flag is set to FALSE on one or more filters for the same event Id or event version, then the event is written if any of the non-flagged filters are satisfied.

[out] EventFilterDescriptor

A pointer to an EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR structure to be used with the EnableTraceEx2 function. The EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR structure will contain a pointer to the aggregated payload filters, which have been allocated by this function.

When the caller is finished using this EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR structure with the EnableTraceEx2 function, the TdhCleanupPayloadEventFilterDescriptor function should be called to free the allocated memory.

Return value

Returns ERROR_SUCCESS if successful. Otherwise, this function returns one of the following return codes in addition to others.

Return code Description
One or more of the parameters is not valid.
Unable to allocate memory to create the aggregated payload filter.


On Windows 8.1,Windows Server 2012 R2, and later, event payload filters can be used by the EnableTraceEx2 function to filter on the specific content of the event in a logger session.

The TdhAggregatePayloadFilters function aggregates payload filters for a single provider into a single data structure for use with the EnableTraceEx2 function. The TdhAggregatePayloadFilters allocates and fills in an opaque data structure for an aggregated payload filter. When the aggregated payload filter is no longer needed, the TdhCleanupPayloadEventFilterDescriptor function is used to free memory allocated for the aggregated payload filter in the EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR structure returned.


For an example that uses the TdhAggregatePayloadFilters function to aggregate payload filters to use in filtering on specific conditions in a logger session, see the example for the EnableTraceEx2 function.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8.1 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 R2 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header tdh.h
Library Tdh.lib
DLL Tdh.dll

See also





