Field (ADO/WFC syntax)

Applies to: Access 2013 | Access 2016



public void Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdmthappchunk_HV10294090.xml(byte[] bytes ) 
public void appendChunk(char[] chars ) 
public void appendChunk(String chars ) 
public byte[] getByteChunk(int len ) 
public char[] getCharChunk(int len ) 
public String getStringChunk(int len ) 


public int Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdproactualsize_HV10293998.xml() 
public int Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdproattributes_HV10294098.xml() 
public void setAttributes(int pl ) 
public getDataFormat() 
public void setDataFormat( format ) 

(For more information, see the Microsoft Visual J++ WFC Reference documentation for the interface.)

public int Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprodefinedsize_HV10294289.xml() 
public void setDefinedSize(int pl ) 
public String Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdproname_HV10294535.xml() 
public int Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdpronumericscale_HV10294551.xml() 
public void setNumericScale(byte pbNumericScale ) 
public Variant Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprooriginalvalue_HV10294583.xml() 
public int Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdproprecision_HV10294615.xml() 
public void setPrecision(byte pbPrecision ) 
public int Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprotype_HV10294866.xml() 
public void setType(int pDataType ) 
public Variant Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprounderlyingvalue_HV10294879.xml() 
public Variant Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdprovalue_HV10294920.xml() 
public void setValue(Variant value ) 
public AdoProperties Invalid DDUE based on source, error:link not allowed in code, link filename:mdcolproperties_HV10294633.xml() 

Field accessor methods

The Value property of a Field object gets or sets the content of that object. The content is represented as a VARIANT, a type of object that can be assigned a value and any of several data types.

ADO/WFC implements the Value property with the getValue method, which returns a VARIANT object; and the setValue method, which takes a VARIANT as an argument. VARIANTs are highly efficient in certain languages, such as Microsoft Visual Basic. However, you can attain better performance in Microsoft Visual J++ by using native Java data types.

In addition to the Value property, ADO/WFC provides accessor methods that use Java data types to get and set the content of Field objects. Most of these methods have names of the form get DataType or set DataType.

There are two noteworthy exceptions: One of the getObject methods returns an object coerced into a specified class. There is no getNull property; instead, there is an isNull property that returns a Boolean value indicating whether the field is null.

public native boolean getBoolean(); 
public void setBoolean(boolean v ) 
public native byte getByte(); 
public void setByte(byte v ) 
public native byte[] getBytes(); 
public void setBytes(byte[] v ) 
public native double getDouble(); 
public void setDouble(double v ) 
public native float getFloat(); 
public void setFloat(float v ) 
public native int getInt(); 
public void setInt(int v ) 
public native long getLong(); 
public void setLong(long v ) 
public native short getShort(); 
public void setShort(short v ) 
public native String getString(); 
public void setString(String v ) 
public native boolean isNull(); 
public void setNull() 
public Object getObject() 
public Object getObject(Class c ) 
public void setObject(Object value ) 

See also

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