Monitor loads into Analytics Platform System (PDW)

Monitor active and recent dwloader loads by using the Analytics Platform System (PDW) Admin Console or System Views.


Some loads are initiated by using INSERT statements or business intelligence tools that use SQL statements to perform the load.


Regardless of the method used to monitor a load, the login must have permission to access the underlying data sources.

Monitor loads

The following sections describe how to monitor loads.

Monitor loads by using the Admin Console

  1. Log on to the Admin Console.

  2. On the top menu, select Loads. You will see a sortable table showing all recent and active loads plus additional information, such as whether the load has completed or is still active. Select the column headers to sort the rows.

  3. To view additional details for a specific load, select the load ID in the left column. In the detailed view, you can see progress on each step of the load.

See these system views for information on the metadata about the load that is shown in the Admin Console:

Monitor loads by using system views

To monitor active and recent loads by using SQL Server PDW views, follow the steps below. For each system view used, see the documentation for that view for information on the columns and potential values returned by the view.

  1. Find the request_id for the load in the sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests view by finding the loader command line in the command column for this view.

    For example, the following command returns the command text and current status, plus the request_id.

    SELECT request_id, status, command FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests;  
  2. Use the request_id to retrieve additional information for the load by using the sys.pdw_loader_run_stages , and sys.pdw_loader_backup_run_details views. For example, the following query returns the run_id and information on the start, end, and duration times of the load, plus any errors, and information on the number of rows processed:

    SELECT lbr.run_id,   
    er.submit_time, er.end_time, er.total_elapsed_time, er.error_id, lbr.rows_processed, lbr.rows_rejected, lbr.rows_inserted   
    FROM sys.dm_pdw_exec_requests er   
    sys.pdw_loader_backup_runs lbr   
    ON (er.request_id=lbr.requst_id)   
    WHERE er.request_id='12738';