Display Contact Card

Applies to: Skype for Business 2015

Provide a SIP URI or contact name to see expanded info

With a Person object it is possible to retrieve additional information such as department, title, company, email addresses, phone numbers, and SIP URI among other information. With this information we will build a simple contact card displaying additional information about a contact. In this example we re-use logic from contact search and limit the results to a single contact and build a simple table containing the extra information.

function addContactCardDetail(item, value, cardContainer) {
    const detailDiv = document.createElement('div');
    detailDiv.innerHTML = item + ": " + value;

function createContactCard(contact, container) {
    const contactCardDiv = document.createElement('div');
    contactCardDiv.className = 'contactCard table';
    contact.department() && addContactCardDetail('Department', contact.department(), contactCardDiv);
    contact.company() && addContactCardDetail('Company', contact.company(), contactCardDiv);
    contact.emails().length !== 0 && addContactCardDetail('Email Address', contact.emails()[0].emailAddress(), contactCardDiv);
    contact.id() && addContactCardDetail('IM', contact.id(), contactCardDiv);
    contact.phoneNumbers().length !== 0 && addContactCardDetail('Phone Number', contact.phoneNumbers()[0].displayString(), contactCardDiv);

function populateContacts(contacts, container) {
    function populateSingleContact(contact) {
        // some of the properties you can access contact.displayName(), contact.note().text, contact.avatarUrl()
        processing = false;
    function loopOverAllContacts() {
        if (processing) {
        processing = true; i++;
        if (i == contacts.length) {
        var contact = contacts[i].result ? contacts[i].result : contacts[i];
        if (contact.type && contact.type() == 'Phone') {
        } else {
            // do an explict get on one property to fetch all properties
            contact.status.get().then(function () {
    var processing = false, i = -1;
    setInterval(loopOverAllContacts, 10);

var content = document.querySelector('.content')

const search = application.personsAndGroupsManager.createPersonSearchQuery();
search.text('John Doe');
search.getMore().then(() => {
    const contacts = search.results();
    if (contacts.length !== 0) {
        contactsDiv.style.display = 'block';
        populateContacts(search.results(), contactsDiv);
        createContactCard(search.results()[0].result, content.querySelector('.contactcard'));
        // successfully found contact 
    } else {
        // handle error
}, error => {
    // handle error

See also