Use the SDK to join a meeting with an iOS device

This article shows an iOS developer how to join the Skype for Business meeting using a meeting URL and enable core Skype for Business App SDK features like Text chat, Audio/Video chat in your app.

Android developers should read Use the SDK to join a meeting with an Android device.


If the anonymous meeting your app joins is hosted in a Skype for Business Online service and your app is not enabled for Skype for Business preview features, then your app must get a discovery Url and an anonymous meeting token to join. A meeting Url does not give you meeting access in this scenario. Read Use the App SDK and the Trusted Application API to join an Online meeting - iOS

No Skype for Business credentials are used to join the meeting.


Objective C

  • Import the SDK header file: import the required header files.
       #import <SkypeForBusiness/SkypeForBusiness.h>
      //Import SfBConversationHelper classes for Audio/Video Chat
       #import "SfBConversationHelper.h"


  • Create Swift Bridging - Header file: Create the bridging-header file and add the following import statement.
   //Add SfBConversationHelper classes for Audio/Video Chat
       #import "SfBConversationHelper.h"


Be sure to read Getting started with Skype App SDK development to learn how to configure your iOS project for the Skype for Business App SDK. In particular, the following steps assume you have added the ConversationHelper class to your source to let you complete the scenario with a minimum of code.

How to get started

  1. In your code, initialize the App SDK application :

Objective C

 SfBApplication *sfb = SfBApplication.sharedApplication;


 let sfb:SfBApplication? = SfBApplication.sharedApplication()
  1. You can handle application level Skype configurations like requireWifiForAudio, maxVideoChannels, requireWifiForVideo, setActiveCamera, get available cameras list and other types of information that can impact the Skype session, for example, by default, video service will be disabled while not on Wi-Fi network. To allow video call on any network connection, we can configure requireWifiForVideo as follow:

Objective C

 sfb.configurationManager.requireWifiForVideo = NO;


 sfb.configurationManager.requireWifiForVideo = false


Please refer SfBApplication, SfBConfigurationManager, SfBVideoService, SfBDevicesManager and other classes in SkypeForBusiness framework to handle application level Skype configurations.

  1. Start joining the meeting by calling Application.joinMeetingAnonymously(String displayName, URI meetingUri). This function returns the new conversation instance that represents the meeting.

Objective C

 SfBConversation *conversation = [sfb joinMeetingAnonymousWithUri:[NSURL URLWithString:meetingURLString]


 let conversation: SfBConversation = try sfb.joinMeetingAnonymousWithUri(NSURL(string:meetingURLString)!, displayName:  meetingDisplayName)


All of the SDK’s interfaces must be used only from the application main thread (main run loop). Notifications are delivered in the same thread as well. As a result, no synchronization around the SDK’s interfaces is required. The SDK, however, may create threads for internal purposes.

  1. Initialize the conversation helper with the conversation instance obtained in the previous step and delegate object that should receive callbacks from this conversation helper. This will automatically start incoming and outgoing video. The delegate class must conform to SfBConversationHelperDelegate protocol.

Objective C

     if (conversation) {
     _conversationHelper = [[SfBConversationHelper alloc] initWithConversation:conversation
                                                   incomingVideoLayer:(CAEAGLLayer *) self.participantVideoView.layer


 self.conversationHelper = SfBConversationHelper(conversation: conversation,
                                                          delegate: self,
                                                          devicesManager: sfb.devicesManager,
                                                          outgoingVideoView: self.selfVideoView,
                                                          incomingVideoLayer: self.participantVideoView.layer as! CAEAGLLayer,
                                                          userInfo: [DisplayNameInfo:meetingDisplayName])
  1. Show video codec license

    As per the license terms, before you start video for the first time after install, you must prompt the user to accept the Microsoft end-user license (also included in the SDK).

    This code snippet shows the use of the new Skype App SDK "setEndUserAcceptedVideoLicense" api. This is required to proceed with features that potentially use video codecs.

    Until this method is called, any attempt to use those features will fail. Once the api has been called, the user is considered in acceptance of the third party video codec license that we use to support video. Subsequent meetings do not require the license acceptance.

    title: Video license acceptance code
    description: Video license acceptance code
    # Video license acceptance code
         * Shows a video license acceptance dialog if user has not been prompted before. If user
         * accepts license, call is started. Else, user cannot start Audio/Video call.
                let sfb: SfBApplication = SfBApplication.sharedApplication()
                let config: SfBConfigurationManager = sfb.configurationManager
                let key = "AcceptedVideoLicense"
                let defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
                if defaults.boolForKey(key) {
                * Notify that user has accepted the Video license.
                * This is required to proceed with features that potentially use video codecs.
                * Until this method is called, any attempt to use those features will fail.
                    self.performSegueWithIdentifier("joinOnlineAudioVideoChat", sender: nil)
                } else {
                    /** Show video license acceptance view. 
                    *   MicrosoftLicenseViewController is class that shows video license 
                    *   and stores user's acceptance or rejection of the video license
                    let vc = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("MicrosoftLicenseViewController") as! MicrosoftLicenseViewController
                    vc.delegate = self
                    self.presentViewController(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)
         * Writes the user's acceptance or rejection of the video license
            let key = "AcceptedVideoLicense"
            let defaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
            defaults.setBool(true, forKey: key)
            let sfb: SfBApplication = SfBApplication.sharedApplication()
            let config: SfBConfigurationManager = sfb.configurationManager
            self.performSegueWithIdentifier("joinOnlineAudioVideoChat", sender: nil)
  2. Implement SfBConversationHelperDelegate methods to handle video service state changes.

Objective C

   #pragma mark - Skype Delegates
 // At incoming video, unhide the participant video view
 - (void)conversationHelper:(SfBConversationHelper *)avHelper didSubscribeToVideo:(SfBParticipantVideo *)video {
     self.participantVideoView.hidden = NO; 

 // When it's ready, start the video service and show the outgoing video view.
 - (void)conversationHelper:(SfBConversationHelper *)avHelper videoService:(SfBVideoService *)videoService didChangeCanStart:(BOOL)canStart {
     if (canStart) {
         [videoService start:nil];
         if (self.selfVideoView.hidden) {
             self.selfVideoView.hidden = NO;

 // When incoming video is ready, show it.
 - (void)conversationHelper:(SfBConversationHelper *)avHelper didSubscribeToVideo:(SfBParticipantVideo *)video {
     self.participantVideoView.hidden = NO; 


  // When it's ready, start the video service and show the outgoing video view.
  func conversationHelper(conversationHelper: SfBConversationHelper, videoService: SfBVideoService, didChangeCanStart canStart: Bool) {     
      if (canStart) {
          do {
              try videoService.start()
          catch let error as NSError {
          if (self.selfVideoView.hidden) {
              self.selfVideoView.hidden = false
   //MARK - Skype SfBConversationHelperDelegate methods
   // At incoming video, unhide the participant video view
  func conversationHelper(conversationHelper: SfBConversationHelper, didSubscribeToVideo video: SfBParticipantVideo?) {
      self.participantVideoView.hidden = false
  // When video service is ready to start, unhide self video view and start the service.
  func conversationHelper(conversationHelper: SfBConversationHelper, videoService: SfBVideoService, didChangeCanStart canStart: Bool) {
      if (canStart) {
          if (self.selfVideoView.hidden) {
              self.selfVideoView.hidden = false
              try videoService.start()
          catch let error as NSError {
   // When the audio status changes, reflect in UI
  func conversationHelper(avHelper: SfBConversationHelper, selfAudio audio: SfBParticipantAudio, didChangeIsMuted isMuted: Bool) {
      if !isMuted {
          self.muteButton.setTitle("Unmute", forState: .Normal)
      else {
          self.muteButton.setTitle("Mute", forState: .Normal)

  1. To end the video meeting, monitor the canLeave property of a conversation to prevent leaving prematurely.

Objective C

     //Add observer to _canLeave_ property
 if (conversation) {
         [conversation addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"canLeave" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial | NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:nil];

     // Monitor canLeave property of a conversation to prevent leaving prematurely

         - (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)change context:(void *)context {

         if ([keyPath isEqualToString:@"canLeave"]) {
         self.endCallButton.enabled = _conversationHelper.conversation.canLeave;

     // Use SfBConversation class leave function to leave the conversation.
     NSError *error = nil;
     [_conversationHelper.conversation leave:&error];

     if (error) {
         [self handleError:error];
     else {
         [_conversationHelper.conversation removeObserver:self forKeyPath:@"canLeave"];


     // Add observer to _canLeave_ property
         conversation.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: "canLeave", options: [.Initial, .New] , context: nil)
     // Monitor canLeave property of a conversation to prevent leaving prematurely
         override func observeValueForKeyPath(keyPath: String?, ofObject object: AnyObject?, change: [String : AnyObject]?, context: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) {
         if (keyPath == "canLeave") {
             self.endCallButton.enabled = (self.conversationHelper?.conversation.canLeave)!
     // Use SfBConversation class leave function to leave the conversation.
             try self.conversationHelper?.conversation.leave()
             self.conversationHelper?.conversation.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: "canLeave")

Error handling

SkypeForBusiness SDK API has both SfBApplication and SfBConversation level delegate method for handling possible errors or exceptions. The SfBApplication alertDelegate handles global level concerns, while the SfBConversation alertDelegate handles alerts specific to the conversation instance.

The delegate method didReceiveAlert is called when new alert appears in the context where alertDelegate is attached.

Text chat


ChatHandler is the helper class that can be used to integrate Skype text chat feature into your application. It can be integrated in similar manner to SfBConversationHelper. For more information, see iOS sample apps.