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GraphicsStream.GraphicsStream(IntPtr,Int64,IntPtr) Constructor (Microsoft.DirectX)

Initializes a new instance of the GraphicsStream class.


Visual Basic Public Sub New( _
    ByVal dataPointer As IntPtrLeave Site, _
    ByVal size As Long, _
    ByVal bufferPointer As IntPtrLeave Site _
C# public GraphicsStream(
    IntPtrLeave Site dataPointer,
    long size,
    IntPtrLeave Site bufferPointer
C++ public:
    IntPtrLeave Site dataPointer,
    long size,
    IntPtrLeave Site bufferPointer
JScript public function GraphicsStream(
    dataPointer : IntPtrLeave Site,
    size : long,
    bufferPointer : IntPtrLeave Site


dataPointer System.IntPtr
Reference to the graphics data in the stream buffer.
size System.Int64
Size of the data referenced by dataPointer.
bufferPointer System.IntPtr
Reference to the actual stream buffer.