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Debug Store apps in Visual Studio

The Visual Studio debugger allows you to control the execution of a program and examine its state. You can use the debugger to find the cause of defects in your Windows Store app and to understand exactly how your app works. When you suspend (break) execution in the debugger, Visual Studio displays the source file that contains the executing code and highlights the executing statement. You can look at the values of variables, the call stack of executing functions, and other aspects of your program state. You can continue executing (step through) the program one statement at a time to see how the statements change the values of the program. In apps written with JavaScript, you can examine and manipulate the DOM of the page.

In this section

Start a debugging session for Store Apps in Visual Studio (JavaScript)

How to start a debugging session describes different options for configuring and starting a debugging session for a JavaScript app.

Control execution of a Store app in a Visual Studio debug session for Windows Store apps (JavaScript)

Debugger navigation takes you through a simple app that demonstrates how to start and stop debugging, how navigate through code, and how to view the program state.

Quickstart: Debug HTML and CSS

Debug HTML and CSS shows you how to interactively debug a JavaScript app by using live DOM inspection tools to view and modify HTML and CSS.

QuickStart: Debug JavaScript using the console

Debug JavaScript using the console shows you how to interactively debug a JavaScript app using JavaScript Console commands.

Start a debugging session for a Store app in Visual Studio (VB, C#, C++ and XAML)

How to start a debugging session (Visual C++, Visual C#, and Visual Basic) describes different options for configuring and starting a debugging session for an app that is written with Visual C++, Visual C#, or Visual Basic.

Navigate a debugging session in Visual Studio (Xaml and C#)

Debugger navigation takes you through a simple app that demonstrates how to start and stop debugging, how navigate through code, and how to view and change the program state.

How to trigger suspend, resume, and background events for Windows Store apps in Visual Studio

The debugger disables Windows Process Lifetime Management (PLM) events that suspend, resume, and terminate apps. You can trigger these events from the debugger toolbar.

Background tasks enable you to perform important operations even when you app has been suspended. The debugger enables you start and debug these background task.

See Also


Debugging in Visual Studio (in the MSDN Library)