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InventSiteActivateUpdRule.inventDim2InventDimJoinAndBlank Method [AX 2012]

Returns a SQL string for joining all the fields from the InventDim table, prefixed by two table buffers.

/This is except from fields that should be compared to a blank value.


protected str inventDim2InventDimJoinAndBlank(
    str _firstAlias, 
    str _secondAlias, 
    InventDimParm _inventDimParmBlank, 
   [TableId _tableId, 
    str _joinAlias])

Run On



  • _firstAlias
    Type: str
    The name of the first table buffer.
  • _secondAlias
    Type: str
    The name of the second table buffer.
  • _inventDimParmBlank
    Type: InventDimParm Table
    InventDimParm record stating the fields that should be compared against a blank value.
  • _joinAlias
    Type: str
    The name of the table buffer that is joined.

Return Value

Type: str
Returns a SQL string.

See Also


InventSiteActivateUpdRule Class