Complex Type Definitions for Server Object Hierarchy

Each type described in this section has an XSD fragment that describes the required XML syntax for the type and a table of additional information about the elements that comprise the type. In addition to a brief description of each element of each type, the table has columns for "Read-Only" and "Default."

If a property is marked "Read-Only", the property is returned by the server in DISCOVER_XML_METADATA. However, a value for the property cannot be set by the contents of a Create or Alter command executed on the server.

The Default column indicates what value the server instantiates for the object if a Create or Alter command omits that particular element from the definition that is being sent to the server. If the value in the Default column is "Required", there is no default value, and the command that is sent to the server MUST set a value for that property. If the command does not contain a value for the property, the command results in an error.

Unless noted otherwise, all types that are described in this section are in the http://schemas.microsoft.com/analysisservices/2003/engine namespace.