Progress Record

Represents the status of an ongoing operation at a point in time. The Progress Record is serialized as a complex object as described in section

Activity: An <S N="Activity"> XML element with a string describing the activity for which progress is being reported.

ActivityId: An <I32 N="ActivityId"> XML element with an integer identifying the activity for which progress is being reported.

CurrentOperation: An <S N="CurrentOperation"> XML element with a string describing the current operation of the many required to accomplish the activity (such as copying sample.txt).

ParentActivityId: An <I32 N="ParentActivityId"> XML element with an integer identifying the parent activity for which this record is a subordinate; a negative value indicates that the activity for which progress is being reported has no parent

PercentComplete: An <I32 N="PercentComplete"> XML element with an integer with an estimate of the percentage of total work that is completed for the activity

RecordType: An <Obj N="Type" RefId="1"> XML element defining the type of the record.

SecondsRemaining: An <I32 N="SecondsRemaining"> XML element with an integer estimating the time needed to complete the activity for which progress is being reported

StatusDescription: An <S N="StatusDescription"> XML element with a string containing the current status of the operation; for example, 35 of 50 items copied, 95% completed, or 100 files purged.


 <Obj RefId="0">
     <S N="Activity">Activity Name</S>
     <I32 N="ActivityId">4</I32>
     <S N="StatusDescription">Good</S>
     <S N="CurrentOperation">Down loading</S>
     <I32 N="ParentActivityId">-1</I32>
     <I32 N="PercentComplete">20</I32>
     <Obj N="Type" RefId="1">
       <TN RefId="0">
     <I32 N="SecondsRemaining">30</I32>