RevoScaleR Teradata Getting Started Guide

For customers using R Server 9.1 and earlier, this guide serves as an introduction to high-performance big data analytics for Teradata using RevoScaleR functions.


The Teradata compute context was discontinued in Machine Learning Server 9.2.1. If you have R Server 9.1 and use the Teradata compute context, you are covered by Microsoft's service support policy. For future compatibility, we recommend modifying existing code to run in other compute contexts, and create a Teradata data source object to work with your data. For more information about Teradata as a data source, see [RxTeradata]../r-reference/revoscaler/

There are three key components to running RevoScaleR high-performance analytics:

  • The name and arguments of the analysis function: What analysis do you want to perform?
  • The specification of your data source(s): Where is your data and what are its characteristics? And, if you are creating new data, for example with scoring, where does the new data go?
  • The specification for your compute context: Where do you want to perform the computations?

RevoScaleR provides a variety of data sources and compute contexts that can be used with the high-performance analytics functions. This guide focuses on analyzing Teradata data in-database. That is, the data is located in a Teradata database and the computations are performed at the location of the data. We also consider a second use case: data is extracted from the Teradata database, taking advantage of the Teradata Parallel Transporter (TPT), and computations are performed on a computer alongside the Teradata Platform.

More information on RevoScaleR can be found here:

For information on other distributed computing compute contexts, see:

Setting Up the Sample Data

The Sample ccFraud Data

To follow the examples in this guide, you need the following comma-delimited text data files to load into your Teradata database:


These data files each have 10 million rows, and should be put in tables called ccFraud10 and ccFraudScore10, respectively. These data files are available online. We recommend that you create a RevoTestDB database to hold the data table.

Loading Your Data into the Teradata Database

You can use the ‘fastload’ Teradata command to load the data sets into your data base. You can find sample scripts for doing this in Appendix I, and online with the sample data files. You need to edit the sample scripts to provide appropriate logon information for your site. Check with your system administrator to see of the data has already been loaded into your database. There is an example later in this guide of loading data into your Teradata data base from R using the rxDataStep function.

Using a Teradata Data Source and ComputeContext

The RevoScaleR package provides a framework for quickly writing start-to-finish, scalable R code for data analysis. Even if you are relatively new to R, you can get started with just a few basic functions. In this guide, we are focusing on analyzing data that is located in a Teradata Database. The first step is to create a data source R object that contains information about the data that is analyzed.

Creating an RxTeradata Data Source

To create a Teradata data source for use in RevoScaleR, you need basic information about your database connection. The connection string can contain information about your driver, your Teradata ID, your database name, your user ID, and your password. Modify the code following to specify the connection string appropriate to your setup:

tdConnString <- "DRIVER=Teradata;DBCNAME=machineNameOrIP;

Then we need an SQL query statement to identify the data we want to use. We’ll start with all of the variables in the ccFraud10 data, a simulated data set with 10 million observations. Modify the following code to specify the correct database name:

tdQuery <- "SELECT * FROM ccFraud10"

We use this information to create an RxTeradata data source object:

teradataDS <- RxTeradata(connectionString = tdConnString,
	sqlQuery = tdQuery, rowsPerRead = 50000)

We have also specified rowsPerRead. This parameter is important for handling memory usage and efficient computations. Most of the RevoScaleR analysis functions process data in chunks and accumulate intermediate results, returning the final computations after all of the data has been read. The rowsPerRead parameter controls how many rows of data are read into each chunk for processing. If it is too large, you may encounter slow-downs because you don’t have enough memory to efficiently process such a large chunk of data. On some systems, setting rowsPerRead to too small a value can also provide slower performance. You may want to experiment with this setting on your system.

Extracting Basic Information about Your Data

The Teradata data source can be used as the ‘data’ argument in RevoScaleR functions. For example, to get basic information about the data and variables, enter:

rxGetVarInfo(data = teradataDS)

You should see the following information:

Var 1: custID, Type: integer
Var 2: gender, Type: integer
Var 3: state, Type: integer
Var 4: cardholder, Type: integer
Var 5: balance, Type: integer
Var 6: numTrans, Type: integer
Var 7: numIntlTrans, Type: integer
Var 8: creditLine, Type: integer
Var 9: fraudRisk, Type: integer

Specifying Column Information in Your Data Source

All of the variables in our data set are stored as integers in the data base, but some of them actually represent categorical data – called factor variables in R. We can specify this information in the data source, and have them automatically converted to factors when analyzed or imported. The variable state represents the 50 states plus the District of Columbia. We can specify the state abbreviations as follows to be used as labels for that variable:

stateAbb <- c("AK", "AL", "AR", "AZ", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DC",
    "DE", "FL", "GA", "HI","IA", "ID", "IL", "IN", "KS", "KY", "LA",
    "MA", "MD", "ME", "MI", "MN", "MO", "MS", "MT", "NB", "NC", "ND",
    "NH", "NJ", "NM", "NV", "NY", "OH", "OK", "OR", "PA", "RI","SC",
    "SD", "TN", "TX", "UT", "VA", "VT", "WA", "WI", "WV", "WY")

Now we create a column information object specifying the mapping of the existing integer values to categorical levels in order to create factor variables for gender, cardholder, and state:

ccColInfo <- list(		
    gender = list(
	  type = "factor",
        levels = c("1", "2"),
   	  newLevels = c("Male", "Female")),		
    cardholder = list(
	    type = "factor",
	    levels = c("1", "2"),
          newLevels = c("Principal", "Secondary")),
	state = list(
          type = "factor",
          levels = as.character(1:51),
	    newLevels = stateAbb)

Next we can recreate a Teradata data source, adding the column information:

teradataDS <- RxTeradata(connectionString = tdConnString,
    sqlQuery = tdQuery, colInfo = ccColInfo, rowsPerRead = 50000)

If we get the variable information for the new data source, we can see that the three variables specified in colInfo are now treated as factors:

rxGetVarInfo(data = teradataDS)

Var 1: custID, Type: integer
Var 2: gender
       2 factor levels: Male Female
Var 3: state
       51 factor levels: AK AL AR AZ CA ... VT WA WI WV WY
Var 4: cardholder
       2 factor levels: Principal Secondary
Var 5: balance, Type: integer
Var 6: numTrans, Type: integer
Var 7: numIntlTrans, Type: integer
Var 8: creditLine, Type: integer
Var 9: fraudRisk, Type: integer

Teradata has a limit of 30 bytes for table and column names, and sometimes creates additional tables with six-character suffixes, so you restrict your table and variable names to no more than 24 characters.

Creating an RxInTeradata Compute Context

Since we want to perform RevoScaleR analytic computations in-database, the next step is to create an RxInTeradata compute context. You need basic information about your Teradata platform. Since the computations are tied to the database, a connection string is required for the RxInTeradata compute context. As when specifying an RxTeradata data source, the connection string can contain information about your driver, your Teradata ID, your database name, your user ID, and your password. If you have not done so already, modify the following code to specify the connection string appropriate to your setup:

tdConnString <- "DRIVER=Teradata;DBCNAME=machineNameOrIP;

Although the data source and compute context have overlapping information (and similar names), be sure to distinguish between them. The data source (RxTeradata) tells us where the data is; the compute context (RxInTeradata) tells us where the computations are to take place. The compute context only determines where the RevoScaleR high- performance analytics computations take place; it does not affect other standard R computations that you are performing on the client machine.

The compute context also requires information about your shared directory, both locally and remotely, and the path where Microsoft R Server is installed on each of the nodes of the Teradata platform. Specify the appropriate information here:

tdShareDir <- paste("c:\\AllShare\\", Sys.getenv("USERNAME"), sep="")
tdRemoteShareDir <- "/tmp/revoJobs"
tdRevoPath <- "/usr/lib64/MRO-for-MRS-8.0/R-3.2.2/lib64/R"

Be sure that the tdShareDir specified exists on your client machine. To create the directory from R, you can run:

dir.create(tdShareDir, recursive = TRUE)

Last, we need to specify some information about how we want output handled. We’ll request that our R session wait for the results, and not return console output from the in-database computations:

tdWait <- TRUE
tdConsoleOutput <- FALSE

We use all this information to create our RxInTeradata compute context object:

tdCompute <- RxInTeradata(
    connectionString = tdConnString,
    shareDir = tdShareDir,
    remoteShareDir = tdRemoteShareDir,
    revoPath = tdRevoPath,
    wait = tdWait,
    consoleOutput = tdConsoleOutput)

Getting Information about Your RxInTeradata Compute Context

You can retrieve basic information about your Teradata platform using the rxGetNodeInfo function. Your platform has at least one PE (Parsing Engine). When RevoScaleR analytics are submitted to the Teradata platform, it is the Parsing Engine that receives and distributes instructions. Each AMP(Access Module Processor) is connected to a disk, and has read/write access. When it receives an instruction from the PE, it retrieves its piece of the data. All of the AMPs work in parallel. The rxGetNodeInfo function sends a small task to each of the AMPS, and give a summary for each node. If you have a large platform, this may take some time:


Troubleshooting the RxInTeradata Compute Context

If you encounter difficulties while using the RxInTeradata context, you may find it convenient to turn on run-time tracing. You can do this by passing the arguments traceEnabled and traceLevel to the RxInTeradata constructor. Set the traceLevel to 7 to show all tracing information:

tdComputeTrace <- RxInTeradata(
    connectionString = tdConnString,
    shareDir = tdShareDir,
    remoteShareDir = tdRemoteShareDir,
    revoPath = tdRevoPath,
    wait = tdWait,
    consoleOutput = tdConsoleOutput,
    traceEnabled = TRUE,
    traceLevel = 7)

High-Performance In-Database Analytics in Teradata

Computing Summary Statistics in Teradata

Let’s start by computing summary statistics on our teradataDS data source, performing the computations in-database. The next step is to change the active compute context. When you run rxSetComputeContext with tdCompute as its argument, all subsequent RevoScaleR HPA computations take place in the in-database in Teradata until the compute context is switched back to a local compute context.

# Set the compute context to compute in Teradata

We can use the high-performance rxSummary function to compute summary statistics for several of the variables. The formula used is a standard R formula:

rxSummary(formula = ~gender + balance + numTrans + numIntlTrans +
creditLine, data = teradataDS)
rxSummary(formula = ~gender + balance + numTrans + numIntlTrans +
    creditLine, data = teradataDS)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~gender + balance + numTrans +
    numIntlTrans + creditLine
Data: teradataDS (RxTeradata Data Source)
Number of valid observations: 1e+07

 Name         Mean        StdDev      Min Max   ValidObs MissingObs
 balance      4109.919919 3996.847310 0   41485 1e+07    0         
 numTrans       28.935187   26.553781 0     100 1e+07    0         
 numIntlTrans    4.047190    8.602970 0      60 1e+07    0         
 creditLine      9.134469    9.641974 1      75 1e+07    0         

Category Counts for gender
Number of categories: 2
Number of valid observations: 1e+07
Number of missing observations: 0

 gender Counts
 Male   6178231
 Female 3821769

You can see that the ccFraud10 data set has 10 million observations with no missing data.

To set the compute context back to our client machine, enter:

# Set the compute context to compute locally
rxSetComputeContext ("local")

Refining the RxTeradata Data Source

The computed summary statistics provide useful information about our data that can be put in the data source for use in further computations. For example, RevoScaleR uses minimum and maximum values in computing histograms, and can efficiently convert integer data to categorical factor data “on-the-fly” using the F function. You can include the specification of high and low values in an RxTeradata data source. We can add this information for balance, numTrans, numIntlTrans, and creditLine to the colInfo used to create the data source:

ccColInfo <- list(		
    gender = list(
	  type = "factor",
        levels = c("1", "2"),
   	  newLevels = c("Male", "Female")),		
    cardholder = list(
	    type = "factor",
	    levels = c("1", "2"),
          newLevels = c("Principal", "Secondary")),
	state = list(
          type = "factor",
          levels = as.character(1:51),
	    newLevels = stateAbb),
      balance = list(low = 0, high = 41485),
      numTrans = list(low = 0, high = 100),
      numIntlTrans = list(low = 0, high = 60),
      creditLine = list(low = 1, high = 75)

Again, recreate a Teradata data source, adding the additional column information:

teradataDS <- RxTeradata(connectionString = tdConnString,
	sqlQuery = tdQuery, colInfo = ccColInfo, rowsPerRead = 50000)

Visualizing Your Data Using rxHistogram and rxCube

The rxHistogram function shows us the distribution of any of the variables in our data set. For example, let’s look at creditLine by gender. First we’ll set the compute context back to tdCompute so that all of our analytics computations will be performed in Teradata rather than alongside: rxSetComputeContext(tdCompute)

Next we’ll call rxHistogram. Internally, rxHistogram calls the RevoScaleR rxCube analytics function, which performs the required computations in-database in Teradata and return the results to your local workstation for plotting:

rxHistogram(~creditLine|gender, data = teradataDS,
	histType = "Percent")

We can also call the rxCube function directly and use the results with one of many of R’s plotting functions. For example, rxCube can compute group means, so we can compute the mean of fraudRisk for every combination of numTrans and numIntlTrans. We use the F() notation to have integer variables treated as categorical variables (with a level for each integer value). The low and high levels specified in colInfo will automatically be used.

cube1 <- rxCube(fraudRisk~F(numTrans):F(numIntlTrans),
data = teradataDS)

The rxResultsDF function converts the results of the rxCube function into a data frame that can easily be used in one of R’s standard plotting functions. Here we create a heat map using the levelplot function from the lattice package:

cubePlot <- rxResultsDF(cube1)
levelplot(fraudRisk~numTrans\*numIntlTrans, data = cubePlot)

We can see that the risk of fraud increases with both the number of transactions and the number of international transactions:

Analyzing Your Data with rxLinMod

Linear models are a work horse of predictive analytics. RevoScaleR provides a high performance, scalable algorithm. As a simple example, let’s estimate a linear model with balance as the dependent variable and gender and creditLine as independent variables:

linModObj <- rxLinMod(balance ~ gender + creditLine,
	data = teradataDS)

As long as we have not changed the compute context, the computations are performed in-database in Teradata. The function returns an object containing the model results to your local workstation. We can look at a summary of the results using the standard R summary function:


rxLinMod(formula = balance ~ gender + creditLine, data = teradataDS)

Linear Regression Results for: balance ~ gender + creditLine
Data: teradataDS (RxTeradata Data Source)
Dependent variable(s): balance
Total independent variables: 4 (Including number dropped: 1)
Number of valid observations: 1e+07
Number of missing observations: 0

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
               Estimate Std. Error  t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   3109.8508     2.2856 1360.647 2.22e-16 ***
gender=Male      3.2671     2.5091    1.302    0.193    
gender=Female   Dropped    Dropped  Dropped  Dropped    
creditLine     109.2620     0.1264  864.080 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 3856 on 9999997 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.06948
Adjusted R-squared: 0.06948
F-statistic: 3.733e+05 on 2 and 9999997 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
Condition number: 1.0001

Analyzing Your Data with rxLogit

Now, let’s estimate a logistic regression on whether or not an individual is a fraud risk. We continue to use the same compute context and data source, and specify a large model – 60 independent variables, including the 3 dummy variables that are dropped. In R (and RevoScaleR) every level of a categorical factor variable is automatically treated as a separate dummy variable:

logitObj <- rxLogit(fraudRisk ~ state + gender + cardholder + balance +
    numTrans + numIntlTrans + creditLine, data = teradataDS,
    dropFirst = TRUE)

We get the following output:

rxLogit(formula = fraudRisk ~ state + gender + cardholder + balance +
    numTrans + numIntlTrans + creditLine, data = teradataDS,
    dropFirst = TRUE)

Logistic Regression Results for: fraudRisk ~ state + gender +
    cardholder + balance + numTrans + numIntlTrans + creditLine
Data: teradataDS (RxTeradata Data Source)
Dependent variable(s): fraudRisk
Total independent variables: 60 (Including number dropped: 3)
Number of valid observations: 1e+07
-2*LogLikelihood: 2101682.8022 (Residual deviance on 9999943 degrees of freedom)

                       Estimate Std. Error  z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)          -8.524e+00  3.640e-02 -234.163 2.22e-16 ***
state=AK                Dropped    Dropped  Dropped  Dropped    
state=AL             -6.127e-01  3.840e-02  -15.956 2.22e-16 ***
state=AR             -1.116e+00  4.100e-02  -27.213 2.22e-16 ***
state=AZ             -1.932e-01  3.749e-02   -5.153 2.56e-07 ***
state=CA             -1.376e-01  3.591e-02   -3.831 0.000127 ***
state=CO             -3.314e-01  3.794e-02   -8.735 2.22e-16 ***
state=CT             -6.332e-01  3.933e-02  -16.101 2.22e-16 ***
state=DC             -7.717e-01  5.530e-02  -13.954 2.22e-16 ***
state=DE             -4.316e-02  4.619e-02   -0.934 0.350144    
state=FL             -2.833e-01  3.626e-02   -7.814 2.22e-16 ***
state=GA              1.297e-02  3.676e-02    0.353 0.724215    
state=HI             -6.222e-01  4.395e-02  -14.159 2.22e-16 ***
state=IA             -1.284e+00  4.093e-02  -31.386 2.22e-16 ***
state=ID             -1.127e+00  4.427e-02  -25.456 2.22e-16 ***
state=IL             -7.355e-01  3.681e-02  -19.978 2.22e-16 ***
state=IN             -1.124e+00  3.842e-02  -29.261 2.22e-16 ***
state=KS             -9.614e-01  4.125e-02  -23.307 2.22e-16 ***
state=KY             -8.121e-01  3.908e-02  -20.778 2.22e-16 ***
state=LA             -1.231e+00  3.950e-02  -31.173 2.22e-16 ***
state=MA             -8.426e-01  3.810e-02  -22.115 2.22e-16 ***
state=MD             -2.378e-01  3.752e-02   -6.338 2.33e-10 ***
state=ME             -7.322e-01  4.625e-02  -15.829 2.22e-16 ***
state=MI             -1.250e+00  3.763e-02  -33.218 2.22e-16 ***
state=MN             -1.166e+00  3.882e-02  -30.030 2.22e-16 ***
state=MO             -7.618e-01  3.802e-02  -20.036 2.22e-16 ***
state=MS             -1.090e+00  4.096e-02  -26.601 2.22e-16 ***
state=MT             -1.049e+00  5.116e-02  -20.499 2.22e-16 ***
state=NB             -6.324e-01  4.270e-02  -14.808 2.22e-16 ***
state=NC             -1.135e+00  3.754e-02  -30.222 2.22e-16 ***
state=ND             -9.667e-01  5.675e-02  -17.033 2.22e-16 ***
state=NH             -9.966e-01  4.778e-02  -20.860 2.22e-16 ***
state=NJ             -1.227e+00  3.775e-02  -32.488 2.22e-16 ***
state=NM             -5.825e-01  4.092e-02  -14.235 2.22e-16 ***
state=NV             -2.222e-01  3.968e-02   -5.601 2.13e-08 ***
state=NY             -1.235e+00  3.663e-02  -33.702 2.22e-16 ***
state=OH             -6.004e-01  3.687e-02  -16.285 2.22e-16 ***
state=OK             -1.043e+00  4.005e-02  -26.037 2.22e-16 ***
state=OR             -1.284e+00  4.056e-02  -31.649 2.22e-16 ***
state=PA             -5.802e-01  3.673e-02  -15.797 2.22e-16 ***
state=RI             -7.197e-01  4.920e-02  -14.627 2.22e-16 ***
state=SC             -7.759e-01  3.878e-02  -20.008 2.22e-16 ***
state=SD             -8.295e-01  5.541e-02  -14.970 2.22e-16 ***
state=TN             -1.258e+00  3.861e-02  -32.589 2.22e-16 ***
state=TX             -6.103e-01  3.618e-02  -16.870 2.22e-16 ***
state=UT             -5.573e-01  4.036e-02  -13.808 2.22e-16 ***
state=VA             -7.069e-01  3.749e-02  -18.857 2.22e-16 ***
state=VT             -1.251e+00  5.944e-02  -21.051 2.22e-16 ***
state=WA             -1.297e-01  3.743e-02   -3.465 0.000530 ***
state=WI             -9.027e-01  3.843e-02  -23.488 2.22e-16 ***
state=WV             -5.708e-01  4.245e-02  -13.448 2.22e-16 ***
state=WY             -1.153e+00  5.769e-02  -19.987 2.22e-16 ***
gender=Male             Dropped    Dropped  Dropped  Dropped    
gender=Female         6.131e-01  3.754e-03  163.306 2.22e-16 ***
cardholder=Principal    Dropped    Dropped  Dropped  Dropped    
cardholder=Secondary  4.785e-01  9.847e-03   48.588 2.22e-16 ***
balance               3.828e-04  4.660e-07  821.534 2.22e-16 ***
numTrans              4.747e-02  6.649e-05  713.894 2.22e-16 ***
numIntlTrans          3.021e-02  1.776e-04  170.097 2.22e-16 ***
creditLine            9.491e-02  1.416e-04  670.512 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Condition number of final variance-covariance matrix: 2922.044
Number of iterations: 8

Scoring a Data Set with Your Model

We can use the estimated logistic regression model to create scores for another data set with the same independent variables. We need to specify two new data sources: the new input data set to be scored, and a new table in the Teradata Database for the results.

tdQuery <- "SELECT * FROM ccFraudScore10"
teradataScoreDS <- RxTeradata(connectionString = tdConnString,
    sqlQuery = tdQuery, colInfo = ccColInfo, rowsPerRead = 50000)

teradataOutDS <- RxTeradata(table = "ccScoreOutput",
    connectionString = tdConnString, rowsPerRead = 50000 )

Now we set our compute context. We’ll also make sure that the output table doesn’t exist by making a call to rxTeradataDropTable.

if (rxTeradataTableExists("ccScoreOutput"))

Now we can use the rxPredict function to score. We set writeModelVars to TRUE to have all of the variables used in the estimation included in the new table. The new variable containing the scores are named ccFraudLogitScore. We have a choice of having our predictions calculated on the scale of the response variable or the underlying ‘link’ function. Here we choose the ‘link’ function, so that the predictions are on a logistic scale.

rxPredict(modelObject = logitObj,
	data = teradataScoreDS,
	outData = teradataOutDS,
	predVarNames = "ccFraudLogitScore",
	type = "link",
	writeModelVars = TRUE,
	overwrite = TRUE)

To add additional variables to our output predictions, use the extraVarsToWrite argument. For example, we can include the variable custID from our scoring data table in our table of predictions as follows:

if (rxTeradataTableExists("ccScoreOutput"))

rxPredict(modelObject = logitObj,
	data = teradataScoreDS,
	outData = teradataOutDS,
	predVarNames = "ccFraudLogitScore",
	type = "link",
	writeModelVars = TRUE,
	extraVarsToWrite = "custID",
	overwrite = TRUE)

After the new table has been created, we can compute and display a histogram of the 10 million predicted scores. The computations are faster if we pre-specify the low and high values. We can get this information from the data base using a special data source with rxImport. (Note that the RxOdbcData data source type can be used with a Teradata data base. It is typically faster for small queries.)

tdMinMax <- RxOdbcData(sqlQuery = paste(
    "SELECT MIN(ccFraudLogitScore),",
 	"MAX(ccFraudLogitScore) FROM ccScoreOutput"),
	connectionString = tdConnString)
minMaxVals <- rxImport(tdMinMax)
minMaxVals <- as.vector(unlist(minMaxVals))

Now we create our data source:

teradataScoreDS <- RxTeradata(sqlQuery =
	"Select ccFraudLogitScore FROM ccScoreOutput",
      connectionString = tdConnString, rowsPerRead = 50000,
 	colInfo = list(ccFraudLogitScore = list(
            low = floor(minMaxVals[1]),
		high = ceiling(minMaxVals[2]))))

Then we compute and display the histogram:

rxHistogram(~ccFraudLogitScore, data = teradataScoreDS)

Using rxDataStep and rxImport

Using rxDataStep to Transform Variables

The rxDataStep function processes data a chunk at a time, reading from one data source and writing to another. In this example, we use a function in another R package. The boot package is ‘recommended’ package that is included with every distribution of R, but is not loaded automatically on start-up. It contains a function inv.logit that computes the inverse of a logit; that is, converts a logit back to a probability on the [0,1] scale. (Note that we could have gotten predictions in this scale by setting type=”response” in our call to rxPredict.) We’d like all of the variables in our ccScoreOutput table to be put in the new table, in addition to the newly created variable. So we specify our input and output data sources as follows:

teradataScoreDS <- RxTeradata(
    sqlQuery =  "Select * FROM ccScoreOutput",
    connectionString = tdConnString, rowsPerRead = 50000 )

teradataOutDS2 <- RxTeradata(table = " ccScoreOutput2",
	connectionString = tdConnString, rowsPerRead = 50000)

if (rxTeradataTableExists("ccScoreOutput2"))

Now we call the rxDataStep function, specifying the transforms we want in a list. We are also specifying the additional R packages that are needed to perform the transformations. These packages must be pre-installed on the nodes of your Teradata platform.

rxDataStep(inData = teradataScoreDS, outFile = teradataOutDS2,
	transforms = list(ccFraudProb = inv.logit(ccFraudLogitScore)),
	transformPackages = "boot", overwrite = TRUE)

We can now look at basic variable information for the new data set.

Var 1: ccFraudLogitScore, Type: numeric
Var 2: custID, Type: integer
Var 3: state, Type: character
Var 4: gender, Type: character
Var 5: cardholder, Type: character
Var 6: balance, Type: integer
Var 7: numTrans, Type: integer
Var 8: numIntlTrans, Type: integer
Var 9: creditLine, Type: integer
Var 10: ccFraudProb, Type: numeric

Notice that factor variables are written to the data base as character data. To use them as factors in subsequent analysis, use colInfo to specify the levels.

Using rxImport to Extract a Subsample into a Data Frame in Memory

If we want to examine high risk individuals in more detail, we can extract information about them into a data frame in memory, order them, and print information about those with the highest risk. Since we are computing on our local computer, we can reset the compute context to local. We use the sqlQuery argument for the Teradata data source to specify the observations to select so that only the data of interest is extracted from the data base.

teradataProbDS <- RxTeradata(
	sqlQuery = paste(
	"Select * FROM ccScoreOutput2",
 	"WHERE (ccFraudProb > .99)"),
	connectionString = tdConnString)
highRisk <- rxImport(teradataProbDS)

Now we have the high risk observations in a data frame in memory. We can use any R functions to manipulate the data frame:

orderedHighRisk <- highRisk[order(-highRisk$ccFraudProb),]
row.names(orderedHighRisk) <- NULL  # Reset row numbers

  ccFraudLogitScore   custID state gender cardholder balance numTrans
1          16.60087 10957409    WA Female  Principal   39987       84
2          15.57692  6754290    FL   Male  Principal   31099       90
3          15.31091  5304850    AL   Male  Principal   33113      100
4          15.08932 10529850    WV   Male  Principal   32177      100
5          14.79001  3040086    CA Female  Principal   32562       66
6          14.22977  4422001    OK   Male  Secondary   33476      100
  numIntlTrans creditLine ccFraudProb
1            1         56   0.9999999
2           36         75   0.9999998
3            0         74   0.9999998
4            0         75   0.9999997
5            4         75   0.9999996
6            2         60   0.9999993

Using rxDataStep to Create a Teradata Table

When we are working in a local compute context, we have access to both local data files and the Teradata database via TPT. So, we can use rxDataStep to take a data set on our local system, perform any desired transformations, and create a new Teradata table. For example, one of the sample .xdf files shipped with RevoScaleR is AirlineDemoSmall.xdf.

xdfAirDemo <- RxXdfData(file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"),

Var 1: ArrDelay, Type: integer, Low/High: (-86, 1490)
Var 2: CRSDepTime, Type: numeric, Storage: float32, Low/High: (0.0167, 23.9833)
Var 3: DayOfWeek
       7 factor levels: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Let’s put this data into a Teradata table, storing DayOfWeek as an integer with values from 1 to 7.

teradataAirDemo <- RxTeradata(table = " AirDemoSmallTest",
	connectionString = tdConnString)
if (rxTeradataTableExists("AirDemoSmallTest",
    connectionString = tdConnString))
    connectionString = tdConnString)

rxDataStep(inData = xdfAirDemo, outFile = teradataAirDemo,
	transforms = list(
		DayOfWeek = as.integer(DayOfWeek),
		rowNum = .rxStartRow : (.rxStartRow + .rxNumRows - 1)
	), overwrite = TRUE

Now we can set our compute context back to in-Teradata, and look at summary statistics of the new table:

teradataAirDemo <- RxTeradata(sqlQuery =
	"SELECT * FROM AirDemoSmallTest",
	connectionString = tdConnString,
      rowsPerRead = 50000,
	colInfo = list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor",
		levels = as.character(1:7))))

rxSummary(~., data = teradataAirDemo)

Performing Your Own ‘Chunking’ Analysis

The rxDataStep function also allows us to write our own ‘chunking’ analysis. Reading the data in chunks on multiple AMPS in Teradata, we can process each chunk of data using the R language, and write out summary results for each chunk into a common Teradata data source. Let’s look at an example using the table function in R, which computes a contingency table. (If you actually have data sets to tabulate, use the rxCrossTabs or rxCube functions built into RevoScaleR; this example is meant for instructional purposes only.)

The first step is to write a function to process each chunk of data. The data will automatically be fed into the function as a rectangular list of data columns. The function must also return a rectangular list of data columns (which a data frame is). In the example below, we are summarizing the input data and returning a data frame with a single row.

ProcessChunk <- function( dataList)
    # Convert the input list to a data frame and
    # call the 'table' function to compute the
    # contingency table
	chunkTable <- table(

	# Convert table output to data frame with single row
	varNames <- names(chunkTable)
	varValues <- as.vector(chunkTable)
	dim(varValues) <- c(1, length(varNames))
	chunkDF <-
	names(chunkDF) <- varNames

	# Return the data frame, which has a single row
	return( chunkDF )

Next we set our active compute context to compute in-database, and set up our data source:

rxSetComputeContext( tdCompute )
tdQuery <-
"select DayOfWeek from AirDemoSmallTest"
inDataSource <- RxTeradata(sqlQuery = tdQuery,
 	rowsPerRead = 50000,
	colInfo = list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor",
		levels = as.character(1:7))))

Now set up a data source to hold the intermediate results. Again, we’ll “drop” the table if it exists.

iroDataSource = RxTeradata(table = "iroResults",
	connectionString = tdConnString)
if (rxTeradataTableExists(table = "iroResults",
	connectionString = tdConnString))
    rxTeradataDropTable( table = "iroResults",
	connectionString = tdConnString)

Next we’ll call rxDataStep with our ProcessChunk function as the transformation function to use.

rxDataStep( inData = inDataSource, outFile = iroDataSource,
        	transformFunc = ProcessChunk,
		overwrite = TRUE)

To see our intermediate results for all of the chunks, we can import the data base table into memory:

iroResults <- rxImport(iroDataSource)

To compute our final results, in this example we can just sum the columns:

finalResults <- colSums(iroResults)

To remove the intermediate results table:

rxTeradataDropTable( table = " iroResults",
	connectionString = tdConnString)

Using rxDataStep for By-Group Analyses

When running in Teradata, it is also possible to control the data that is provided in each ‘chunk’ processed by rxDataStep. This allows us to perform by-group analyses, estimating a separate model for each group of observations defined by one or more categorical variables.

Creating a Simulated Data Set for By-Group Analysis

For example, let’s create a simulated data set that has 100,000 observations and three variables: SKU, INCOME, and SALES. Our objective is to estimate a model of SALES on INCOME for each SKU. To make it easy to interpret our results, we’ll set the underlying coefficient for INCOME equal to the SKU number.

numObs <- 100000
testData <- data.frame(
	SKU = as.integer(runif(n = numObs, min = 1, max = 11)),
	INCOME = as.integer(runif(n = numObs, min = 10, max = 21)))
# SKU is also underlying coefficient
testData$SALES <- as.integer(testData$INCOME * testData$SKU +
25*rnorm(n = numObs))

Next, we upload this data frame into a table in our Teradata database, removing any existing table by that name first:

if (rxTeradataTableExists("sku_sales_100k",
connectionString = tdConnString))
connectionString = tdConnString)

teradataDS <- RxTeradata(table = "sku_sales_100k",
connectionString = tdConnString)
rxDataStep(inData = testData, outFile = teradataDS)

A Transformation Function for By-Group Analysis

Next, let’s consider the analysis we want to perform for each group. As in the previous section, we write a transformation function that operates on a chunk of data, then writes out the results for that chunk into an “intermediate results” table. In this case, we estimate a linear model on the chunk of data, and put the components of the model we need for scoring into a string. We will also include the SKU number and the estimated slope in our results table. We are assuming, at this point, that we have all of the data for a single SKU in the chunk of data being processed by the transformation function.

EstimateModel <- function(dataList)
      # Convert the input list to a data frame
	chunkDF <-

      # Estimate a linear model on this chunk
      # Don't include the model frame in the model object
	model <- lm( SALES~INCOME, chunkDF, model=FALSE )

	# Print statements can be useful for debugging
	# print( model$coefficients )  

	# Remove unneeded parts of model object
	model$residuals <- NULL
	model$effects <- NULL
	model$fitted.values <- NULL
	model$assign <- NULL
	model$qr[[1]] <- NULL
	attr(model$terms, ".Environment") <- NULL

	# Convert the model to a character string
	modelString <-
        rawToChar(serialize(model, connect=NULL, ascii=TRUE))

	# Pad to a fixed length
	modelString <- paste( modelString,
        paste(rep("X", 2000 - nchar(modelString)), collapse = ""),

      # Create the entry for the results table
	resultDF <- data.frame(
        SKU = chunkDF[1,]$SKU, # Assumes SKU's all the same
        COEF = model$coefficients[2], # Slope
        MODEL = modelString )

	return( resultDF )

Setting Up an Input Data Source for By-Group Analysis

The next step is to set up a data source that controls how the data is passed into the transformation function. To do so, we specify the tableOpClause when creating an RxTeradata data source. The HASH BY, PARTITION BY, PARTITION_WITH_VIEW BY, and LOCAL ORDER BY clauses can be used to organize the data. This data source parameter only affects rxDataStep running in an RxInTeradata compute context. (Note: when using Teradata software with versions before or 14.10.02d, replace PARTITION with PARTITION-WITH-VIEW. However, working with these versions is unsupported.)

tdQuery <- "SELECT * FROM sku_sales_100k"
partitionKeyword <- "PARTITION"
partitionClause <- paste( partitionKeyword, "BY sku_sales_100k.SKU" )
inDataSource <- RxTeradata(sqlQuery = tdQuery,
    tableOpClause = partitionClause,
    rowsPerRead = 100000)

By using the partition clause, we have one computing resource for each SKU so that the transformation function will be operating on a single SKU of data. (For more details on using the partition clause, see Teradata’s SQL Data Manipulation Language manual.) For modeling, we need all rows for a given model (a single SKU) to fit in one read, so rowsPerRead is set high.

Estimating By-Group Linear Models

Before running the analysis, we need to set up the output results data source:

resultsDataSource = RxTeradata(table = "models",
	connectionString = tdConnString )

Since the lm function is called inside of our transformation function, we need to make sure that it is available wherever the computations are taking place. The lm function is contained within the stats package, so we specify that in the transformPackages RevoScaleR option:

rxOptions(transformPackages = c("stats"))

We want to make sure that our compute context is set appropriately, since the tableOpClause only has an effect when running in Teradata:

# Make sure compute context is in-database

Now we can run use rxDataStep to process the data by SKU:

rxDataStep( inData = inDataSource, outFile = resultsDataSource,
	transformFunc = EstimateModel, reportProgress = 0,
	overwrite = TRUE )

We can take a quick look at our estimated slopes by bringing the data from our results table into a data frame in memory.

lmResults <- rxImport(resultsDataSource)
lmResults[order(lmResults$SKU),c("SKU", "COEF")]

   SKU     COEF
7    1 1.001980
8    2 2.099449
4    3 3.005241
6    4 3.979653
2    5 4.980316
1    6 5.864830
5    7 6.940838
9    8 8.151135
3    9 9.012148
10  10 9.925830

Scoring Using the Estimated By-Group Linear Models

We can use a similar process to score the data, using a transformation function that will only be processing data from a single SKU:

ScoreChunk <- function(dataList)
    chunkDF <-

    # Extract the model string for the first observation
    # and convert back to model object
    # All observations in this chunk have the same SKU,
    # so they all share the same model
    modelString <- as.character(chunkDF[1,]$MODEL)
    model <- unserialize( charToRaw( modelString ) )

    resultDF <- data.frame(
        SKU = chunkDF$SKU,
        INCOME = chunkDF$INCOME,
        # Use lm's predict method
        PREDICTED_SALES = predict(model, chunkDF) )

    return( resultDF )

Next, we set up an SQL query that joins our original simulated table with our intermediate results table, matching the SKUs:

predictQuery <- paste("SELECT sku_sales_100k.SKU,",
 	"sku_sales_100k.INCOME, models.MODEL",
 	"FROM sku_sales_100k JOIN models ON",
 	"sku_sales_100k.SKU = models.SKU")

For scoring, we do not need all rows for a given model to fit in one read. As long as we compute in-database, all of the data in each chunk belongs to the same SKU.

inDataSource <- RxTeradata(sqlQuery = predictQuery,
	connectionString = tdConnString,
	tableOpClause = partitionClause, rowsPerRead = 10000)

We also need to set up our new output data source:

scoresDataSource = RxTeradata(table = "scores",
	connectionString = tdConnString)

Now we set the compute context and perform the scoring:

rxSetComputeContext(tdCompute) rxDataStep( inData = inDataSource, outFile = scoresDataSource, transformFunc = ScoreChunk, reportProgress = 0, overwrite = TRUE )

Last, we can use an SQL query in a Teradata data source to extract summary results by SKU:

predSum <- rxImport( RxTeradata(
 	           "FROM scores GROUP BY SKU, INCOME",
               "ORDER BY SKU, INCOME"),
	connectionString = tdConnString ) )

We display the first 15 rows of the results. We would expect that PREDICTED_SALES should be roughly SKU*INCOME.

		options(width = 120) # Set display width

1    1     10                 9.579956                 9.579956                    983
2    1     11                10.581936                10.581936                    911
3    1     12                11.583916                11.583916                    971
4    1     13                12.585896                12.585896                    895
5    1     14                13.587876                13.587876                    879
6    1     15                14.589856                14.589856                    891
7    1     16                15.591836                15.591836                    931
8    1     17                16.593815                16.593815                    944
9    1     18                17.595795                17.595795                    918
10   1     19                18.597775                18.597775                    889
11   1     20                19.599755                19.599755                    924
12   2     10                19.295443                19.295443                    939
13   2     11                21.394892                21.394892                    932
14   2     12                23.494341                23.494341                    894
15   2     13                25.593790                25.593790                    911

When done with the analysis, we can remove the created tables from the database and then reset the compute context to the local context.


Performing Simulations In-Database

There may be occasions when it is useful to perform computations on in-memory data in parallel on a Teradata platform. A simple example is shown here, simulating many games of craps. The game of craps is a familiar casino game that consists of rolling a pair of dice. If you roll a 7 or 11 on your initial roll, you win. If you roll 2, 3, or 12, you lose. If you roll a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, that number becomes your point and you continue rolling until you either roll your point again (in which case you win) or roll a 7, in which case you lose. The game is easily simulated in R using the following function:

playCraps <- function()
	result <- NULL
	point <- NULL
	count <- 1
	while (is.null(result))
		roll <- sum(sample(6, 2, replace=TRUE))

		if (is.null(point))
			point <- roll
		if (count == 1 && (roll == 7 || roll == 11))
			result <- "Win"
 		else if (count == 1 &&
               (roll == 2 || roll == 3 || roll == 12))
			result <- "Loss"
		else if (count > 1 && roll == 7 )
			result <- "Loss"
		else if (count > 1 && point == roll)
			result <- "Win"
			count <- count + 1

We can run the function to simulate a single game:


Did you win or lose?

We will now simulate 1000 games of craps to help determine the probability of a win. The rxExec function allows computations to be distributed to each of the AMPS of your Teradata platform. If the timesToRun argument is specified, runs may be performed multiple times on each AMP. The rxExec function returns a list with one element for every run. Setting RNGseed to "auto" causes separate parallel random number substreams (using the "MT2203" generator) to be generated and used for each of the 1000 invocations of playCraps.

teradataExec <- rxExec(playCraps, timesToRun=1000, RNGseed="auto")

To see a summary of the results, we can convert the returned list to a vector, and summarize the results using the table function.


Your results should look something like this:

Loss Win
 508 492

Analyzing Your Data Alongside Teradata

Although typically it is much faster to perform in-database analyses, it is sometimes convenient to extract your data from Teradata and analyze it alongside with an alternative, powerful compute engine. To perform the computations on your local machine, we just need to change the compute context back to local.

# Set the compute context to compute locally
rxSetComputeContext ("local")

Perform an rxSummary Using a Local Compute Context

When extracting data from Teradata, it is often more performant to increase the number of rows extracted for each read. We can do this by increasing the rowsPerRead in the data source:

tdQuery <- "SELECT * FROM ccFraudScore10"  
teradataDS1 <- RxTeradata(connectionString = tdConnString,
    sqlQuery = tdQuery, colInfo = ccColInfo, rowsPerRead = 500000)

Now we can call rxSummary using the new data source. This will be slow if you have a slow connection to your database; the data is being transferred to your local computer for analysis.

rxSummary(formula = ~gender + balance + numTrans + numIntlTrans +
	creditLine, data = teradataDS1)

You should see the same results as you did when you performed the computations in-database.

Import of Data from a Teradata Database to a Local File

The rxImport function allows you to import data from a data source to a local “xdf” file. This can be convenient if you want to repeatedly analyze a subset of your data initially stored in a Teradata Database. Let’s store the variables gender, cardholder, state, and balance for the states of California, Oregon, and Washington on our local computer. We create a new Teradata data source object to use as the inData argument for rxImport. First, let’s specify the variables and selection we want to read in the SQL query. (Make sure there are no hidden characters such as line feeds or tabs in the query.) We can use the stateAbb vector created earlier in this guide to identify the correct levels to include.

statesToKeep <- sapply(c("CA", "OR", "WA"), grep, stateAbb)

importQuery <- paste("SELECT gender,cardholder,balance,state",
 	"FROM ccFraud10",
 	"WHERE (state = 5 OR state = 38 OR state = 48)")

Next we create the colInfo to be used. In our new data set, we just want three factor levels for the three states being included. We can use statesToKeep to identify the correct levels to include.

importColInfo <- list(		
    gender = list(
	  type = "factor",
        levels = c("1", "2"),
   	  newLevels = c("Male", "Female")),		
    cardholder = list(
	    type = "factor",
	    levels = c("1", "2"),
          newLevels = c("Principal", "Secondary")),
	state = list(
          type = "factor",
          levels = as.character(statesToKeep),
	      newLevels = names(statesToKeep))

Since we are importing to our local computer, we are sure the compute context is set to local. We store the data in a file named ccFraudSub.xdf in our current working directory

teradataImportDS <- RxTeradata(connectionString = tdConnString,
    	sqlQuery = importQuery, colInfo = importColInfo)

localDS <- rxImport(inData = teradataImportDS,
    	outFile = "ccFraudSub.xdf",
    	overwrite = TRUE)

The localDs object returned from rxImport is a “light-weight” RxXdfData data source object representing the ccFraud.xdf data file stored locally on disk. It can be used in analysis functions in the same way as the Teradata data source.

For example,

rxGetVarInfo(data = localDS)

Var 1: gender
       2 factor levels: Male Female
Var 2: cardholder
       2 factor levels: Principal Secondary
Var 3: balance, Type: integer, Low/High: (0, 39987)
Var 4: state
       3 factor levels: CA OR WA

rxSummary(~gender + cardholder + balance + state, data = localDS)

rxSummary(formula = ~gender + cardholder + balance + state, data = localDS)

Summary Statistics Results for: ~gender + cardholder + balance + state
Data: localDS (RxXdfData Data Source)
File name: ccFraud.xdf
Number of valid observations: 1540887

 Name    Mean     StdDev   Min Max   ValidObs MissingObs
 balance 4115.967 4000.873 0   39987 1540887  0         

Category Counts for gender
Number of categories: 2
Number of valid observations: 1540887
Number of missing observations: 0

 gender Counts
 Male   952908
 Female 587979

Category Counts for cardholder
Number of categories: 2
Number of valid observations: 1540887
Number of missing observations: 0

 cardholder Counts
 Principal  1494355
 Secondary    46532

Category Counts for state
Number of categories: 3
Number of valid observations: 1540887
Number of missing observations: 0

 state Counts
 CA    1216069
 OR     121846
 WA     202972

Managing Memory in In-Teradata Computations

Because a Teradata cluster node typically has many worker processes (AMPs) running constantly, it is important to limit how much memory a distributed analysis consumes. Microsoft provides stored procedures in the revoAnalytics_Zqht2 scheduler database that allow a database administrator to set the memory limits for master and worker processes working on a RevoScaleR job. By default, the master process memory limit is 2000 MB (approximately 2GB) and the worker process memory limit is 1000 MB (1GB).

These limits may be customized by a database administrator using the SetMasterMemoryLimitMB() and SetWorkerMemoryLimitMB() stored procedures, defined in the revoAnalytics_Zqht2 database created on installation.

For example, to set the master memory limit to 3000 MB:

call revoAnalytics_Zqht2.SetMasterMemoryLimitMB(3000);

To set the worker memory limit to 1500 MB:

call revoAnalytics_Zqht2.SetWorkerMemoryLimitMB(1500);

The current memory limits can be viewed in the revoAnalytics_Zqht2.Properties table.

Memory limits that have been changed are in effect immediately, and no restart of the database is required.

Appendix I: Scripts for Loading Data into Teradata

Modify the following script to include your Log In information and data base name, then use the ‘fastload’ Teradata command to load the ccFraud.csv data. (Copies of both scripts in this appendix can be found online.)

sessions 2;
errlimit 25;
logon PUT YOUR LOGON INFO HERE: MachineNameOrIP/UserName,Password;

DROP TABLE RevoTestDB.ccFraud10;
DROP TABLE RevoTestDB.ccFraud10_error_1;
DROP TABLE RevoTestDB.ccFraud10_error_2;

CREATE TABLE RevoTestDB.ccFraud10 (
"custID" INT,
"gender" INT,
"state" INT,
"cardholder" INT,
"balance" INT,
"numTrans" INT,
"numIntlTrans" INT,
"creditLine" INT,
"fraudRisk" INT)

set record VARTEXT ",";


Col1 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col2 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col3 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col4 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col5 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col6 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col7 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col8 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col9 (VARCHAR(15))


begin loading RevoTestDB.ccFraud10 errorfiles RevoTestDB.ccFraud10_error_1, RevoTestDB.ccFraud10_error_2;
insert into RevoTestDB.ccFraud10 (



This similar script loads the ccFraudScore.csv data:

sessions 2;
errlimit 25;

DROP TABLE RevoTestDB.ccFraudScore10;
DROP TABLE RevoTestDB.ccFraudScore_error_1;
DROP TABLE RevoTestDB.ccFraudScore_error_2;

CREATE TABLE RevoTestDB.ccFraudScore10 (
"custID" INT,
"gender" INT,
"state" INT,
"cardholder" INT,
"balance" INT,
"numTrans" INT,
"numIntlTrans" INT,
"creditLine" INT)

set record VARTEXT ",";


Col1 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col2 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col3 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col4 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col5 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col6 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col7 (VARCHAR(15)),
Col8 (VARCHAR(15))


begin loading RevoTestDB.ccFraudScore errorfiles RevoTestDB.ccFraudScore_error_1, RevoTestDB.ccFraudScore_error_2;
insert into RevoTestDB.ccFraudScore (



To run a fastload command, navigate to the directory containing the script from a command prompt and enter:

fastload < TheNameOFtheFastLoadScript.fastload