The Microsoft journal for developers November 2013 VOL 28 NO 11
MSDN Magazine November 2013 issue

Build Office 365 Cloud Business Apps with Visual Studio 2013
Visual Studio experts detail the complete lifecycle of a Cloud Business App from building, running and publishing to setting up continuous integration.

Heinrich Wendel
Jim Nakashima
Mike Morton

Dino EspositoCutting Edge: Programming CSS: Do More with 'LESS'
The LESS Framework enables dynamic generation of CSS content and gives developers and designers alike sophisticated tools for managing and organizing CSS code.
Dino Esposito


ASP.NET - Single-Page Applications: Build Modern, Responsive Web Apps with ASP.NET

ASP.NET:   Single-Page Applications: Build Modern, Responsive Web Apps with ASP.NET
Learn how to create modern HTML5 Web apps using ASP.NET Web API combined with open-source JavaScript frameworks.
Mike Wasson

ASP.NET Web API - Secure ASP.NET Web API with Windows Azure AD and Microsoft OWIN Components

ASP.NET Web API:   Secure ASP.NET Web API with Windows Azure AD and Microsoft OWIN Components
Learn how to take advantage of new Visual Studio 2013 features to create a simple Web API protected by Windows Azure AD, and how to create a test client so you can see the API in action.
Vittorio Bertocci

MVVM - Writing a Testable Presentation Layer with MVVM

MVVM:   Writing a Testable Presentation Layer with MVVM
Brent Edwards concludes his series on writing a testable presentation layer for Window 8 and Windows Phone 8 applications using the MVVM pattern with a look at how he approaches the actual testing process.
Brent Edwards


Windows with C++
Exploring Fonts with DirectWrite and Modern C++
Kenny Kerr shows how DirectWrite comes to life with help from Direct2D and modern C++, providing color fonts, hardware-accelerated text rendering, and elegant and efficient code.
Kenny Kerr

Windows Azure Insider
Migrating Database Workloads to the Cloud
Many companies today are thinking about moving their database workloads to the cloud, but there are many choices and challenges. Learn about your options when it comes to SQL Server and data storage in the Windows Azure Platform.
Bruno Terkaly
Ricardo Villalobos

DirectX Factor
Who’s Afraid of Glyph Runs?
If you’re writing a Windows Store app, you may want to use glyphs to display text. Charles Petzold explains the rationale behind using glyphs, as well as how to take advantage of DirectX to use them.
Charles Petzold

Don't Get Me Started
Advice to the New CEO
With Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer poised to step down, columnist David Platt offers some completely unsolicited advice to whoever it is that finally takes his place.
David Platt

Editor's Note
Standing on Principle
MSDN Magazine contributor Jason Bock says about half of the developers he polls during presentations fail to employ unit testing or other core development principles in their projects.
Michael Desmond