June2004June 2004

The Big Story: An Overview of the New Services, Controls, and Features in ASP.NET 2.0

ASP.NET has become a bit of a gold standard for Web programming. The upcoming version, ASP.NET 2.0 will have even more of the kinds of features that have made it the popular framework it is today. This article takes a broad look at those features, including what's new in data source controls, themes and skins, the DataGrid and its new functionality, managing roles, and other administrative tasks. Jeff Prosise

Security: Security Headaches? Take ASP.NET 2.0!

ASP.NET 2.0 provides significant advantages with respect to security, especially for folks developing Web sites that use Forms authentication. By providing a user profile repository with support for roles, Forms authentication will move beyond the purview of the ASP.NET internals guru, and should become much more broadly accessible. This article introduces security in ASP.NET 2.0 to give you a head start with upcoming features. Keith Brown

Portals: Unleash Your Site's Potential with Web Parts and Personalization in ASP.NET 2.0

ASP.NET 2.0 has addressed some of the most common problems developers face today with a suite of controls, components and IDE tools. One such issuer is maintaining preferences information about individual users of a Web application in a uniform manner. This article drills down into ASP.NET 2.0 to illustrate how it helps solve these problems far easier than is possible today, and demonstrates how these features can be combined to build powerful, personalized Websites in very little time. Steven A. Smith

Data: More Load, Less Code with the Data Enhancements of ASP.NET 2.0

A data source control is a server control that wraps some basic functions of a data source - be it a SQL Server database, an XML document, an Excel worksheet, or a sitemap description. Through the services of a similar component, data-bound controls can fetch data as well as insert new records or update and delete existing ones. Data source controls enable a consistent model across a variety of data sources and dramatically reduce the amount of code needed to implement a two-way data-binding scenario. This article provides an introduction to data source controls and other related data binding features. Dino Esposito

Master Pages: Master Your Site Design with Visual Inheritance and Page Templates

Master pages in ASP.NET 2.0 solve a problem many Web developers have been solving on their own with a variety of techniques for years - providing a single master template for an entire site. This article covers the details of master pages, discussing their usage and implementation and how they are a natural evolution of custom techniques developers are using today. Fritz Onion

Controls: Plan Your Migration to the Visual Studio 2005 Navigation Controls

Navigation is central to a well functioning Web application and it can be implemented numerous ways using today's technologies. This article highlights some of the key details of the new navigation controls that are part of the upcoming ASP.NET 2.0, and talks about how to design and implement one of these navigation controls today. This article contains a simple Web site that demonstrates the use of these navigation controls, pointing out some of the key items such as a breadcrumb control and things to watch for along the way. The article then describes how to implement a breadcrumb control today. Dave Donaldson and Steven DeWalt

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Editor's Note: Fun with ASP.NET 2.0
As you could probably tell from the cover, we are bringing you early, in-depth coverage of ASP. NET 2. 0, the Web components of the next version of the Microsoft . NET Framework. ASP. NET 2. 0 was unveiled at the October 2003 Microsoft PDC, but until now has had limited availability.
New Stuff: Resources for Your Developer Toolbox
Theresa W. Carey
Web Q&A: Visual Studio 2005, HTC Memory Problems, and More
Edited by Nancy Michell
Data Points: Contrasting the ADO.NET DataReader and DataSet
John Papa
Cutting Edge: Dress Your Controls for Success with ASP.NET 1.1 Themes, Part 2
Dino Esposito
The XML Files: InfoPath 2003 SP1 Preview
Aaron Skonnard
.NET Column: Unexpected Errors in Managed Applications
Jason Clark
Bugslayer: Bad Code? FxCop to the Rescue
John Robbins
Basic Instincts: Creating and Managing Secondary Threads
Ted Pattison
.NET Matters: XML Comments, Late-bound COM, and More
Stephen Toub
C++ Q&A: Performance Optimization, Controls versus Components
Paul DiLascia
Resource File: Blogging Tools
Aaron Skonnard