July2006July 2006

Atlas At Last: ASP.NET Atlas Powers the AJAX-Style Sites You’ve Been Waiting For

Matt Gibbs

Code & Seek: Bring Windows Desktop Search Into Visual Studio With Our Cool Add-In

Sergey Mishkovskiy

Beyond WinFX: Transactions, Aero Wizards, And Task Dialogs In Windows Vista

Kenny Kerr

Web App Follies: Keep Sites Running Smoothly By Avoiding These 10 Common ASP.NET Pitfalls

Jeff Prosise

WSS 3.0 Preview: Discover Significant Developer Improvements In SharePoint Services

Ted Pattison

Patterns & Practices: Speed Development With Custom Application Blocks For Enterprise Library

Mark Seemann

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Editor's Note: Get Ready for AJAX
If you’re fortunate enough to attend a developer conference this year, look around at the variety of people. There are all kinds out there, a diverse ecosystem as the marketing folks might say. Even within a relatively narrow group like programmers, you’ll find a wide range of goals and interests.
Toolbox: Networking, Rich UIs, and More
End users today expect a level of interconnectivity between applications that was unheard of a mere five years ago. Many applications periodically determine if a new version is available and, if so, offer to download and install it. Scott Mitchell
Advanced Basics: Monitor Your Apps with System.Diagnostics
It never fails. The application you just deployed ran great on your development machine—but stumbles in production. The problem might show up right away or maybe it creeps up over time. Now what?Brad McCabe
CLR Inside Out: Using Strong Name Signatures
Strong name signatures (and signing in general) are a key facet of Microsoft® . NET Framework security. But regardless of how well designed . NET signatures may be, they won’t offer the maximum benefit if you don’t know how to use them properly. Mike Downen
Data Points: Report Controls in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
Reporting has always been one of the dark arts of development. The tools typically seem to do just enough to get you to a certain point, then leave you to find workarounds to solve more complex issues. John Papa
Cutting Edge: Context-Sensitive PictureBox Controls
Great ideas are timeless. A long time ago in Microsoft Systems Journal Paul DiLascia demonstrated a neat trick to display context-sensitive tooltips floating over pictures. As the user moved the mouse over the picture, the tooltip control updated its text to reflect the name of the pointed figure. Dino Esposito
Inside MSDN: Building the MSDN Aggregation System
Have you visited msdn2. microsoft. com? It’s the new online face of the MSDN® Developer Tools and Enterprise Server documentation. The infrastructure behind it includes a system developed by my team at Microsoft for aggregating information related to our content. John Mollman
Extreme ASP.NET: Asynchronous Web Parts
Building a customizable Web site complete with a collection of pluggable Web Parts is fairly easy with the portal infrastructure of ASP. NET 2. 0. This model is very flexible, allowing users to easily place your Web Parts anywhere on the Web page so they are free to customize your site. Fritz Onion
C++ at Work: Controlling Balloon Tips, and More
Paul DiLascia
End Bracket: Refactor for Life
There are certain fundamental laws of the universe that we just can’t escape. One of these is the Second Law of Thermodynamics as it applies to the general branches of science. It says that everything moves to a state of equilibrium and an increase in disorder, or entropy. Eric N. Bush