© 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Figure 4 LoadData
'// Private Method
'// Overloaded:    No
'// Parameters:    None
'// Return Value:  None
'// Purpose:       Retrieves and then loads the data into the form.
Private Sub LoadData()
    Dim oTree As BusinessServices.CustomerOrder = New _
    m_oDS = oTree.GetData()
    grdData.DataSource = Nothing
    grdData.DataSource = m_oDS
    oTree = Nothing
End Sub

Figure 5 The SaveData Method
  Private Sub SaveData()
    Dim lRetVal As Long
    Dim oTree As BusinessServices.CustomerOrder = New _
    Dim oDS_Delta As DataSet
    Dim sMsg As String
    '//— Check for changes with the HasChanges method first.
    If m_oDS Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    If Not m_oDS.HasChanges() Then Exit Sub
    '//— Grab all changed rows
    oDS_Delta = m_oDS.GetChanges()
    sMsg = "Are you sure you want to save these " & _
        oDS_Delta.Tables(0).Rows.Count() & " rows to the database?"
        lRetVal = MsgBox(sMsg, Microsoft.VisualBasic.MsgBoxStyle.Question + 
        Microsoft.VisualBasic.MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "Save Records")
    Select Case lRetVal
        Case vbYes
                '//— Save all changes
                sMsg = oTree.SaveData(oDS_Delta)
            Catch e As Exception
                sMsg = "Error saving data." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                MsgBox(sMsg, _
                    Microsoft.VisualBasic.MsgBoxStyle.Information, _
                    "Save Records")
            End Try
        Case vbNo
            '//— Do nothing
    End Select
    oDS_Delta = Nothing
    oTree = Nothing
End Sub

Figure 6 GetData Method of the Base Class
// Public Method
// Overloaded:     No
// Parameters:     None
// Return Value:   DataSet
// Purpose:        Retrieves all items.
public virtual DataSet GetData()
    //— Create a new DataSet
    m_oDS = new DataSet();
    //— Fill the DataSet with the Customers
    m_oDA.Fill(m_oDS, m_sClassName);
    //— Return the DataSet
    return m_oDS;

Figure 7 SaveData Method of the Base Class
// Public Method
// Overloaded:    Yes
// Parameters:    DataSet
// Return Value:  Status Message
// Purpose:       Saves all items that changed, and 
//                uses the SqlConnection passed in.
public virtual string SaveData(DataSet oDS, SqlConnection oCn)
    string sMsg = "";
    //— Save the data
        if (oCn.State != ConnectionState.Open) 
        //— Make all database changes
        m_oDA.Update(oDS, m_sClassName);
    catch (Exception e)
        //— An error occurred, so we roll the transaction back
        sMsg = "Records were not updated. " + e.Message.ToString();
        //— Do nothing
    return sMsg;

Figure 8 The Customer Class and its Constructor
// Public Class
// Purpose:   The Customer class 
// Inherits:  The Base_BusinessServices class 
public class Customer : Base_BusinessServices 
    // Class Constructor (zero arguments)
    // Overloaded:    No
    public Customer()
        m_sClassName = "Customer";
        string sSQL = "";
        SqlCommand oSelCmd;
        SqlCommand oInsCmd;
        SqlCommand oUpdCmd;
        SqlCommand oDelCmd;
        //— Set up the Connection
        //— Set up the SELECT Command
        sSQL = "SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName, City, 
               Region " + " FROM    Customers " + " ORDER BY CompanyName ";
        oSelCmd = null;
        oSelCmd = new SqlCommand(sSQL, m_oCn);
        oSelCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
        //— Set up the UPDATE Command
        sSQL = "UPDATE Customers " +
            " SET CompanyName = @CompanyName , " +
            " ContactName = @ContactName, City = @City, Region = 
            @Region " +
            " WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID ";
        oUpdCmd = null;
        oUpdCmd = new SqlCommand(sSQL, m_oCn);
        oUpdCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
        oUpdCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CompanyName", 
                               SqlDbType.NVarChar, 40, "CompanyName"));
        oUpdCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ContactName", 
                               SqlDbType.NVarChar, 30, "ContactName"));
        oUpdCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@City", 
                               SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15, "City"));
        oUpdCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Region", 
                               SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15, "Region"));
        oUpdCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CustomerID", 
                               SqlDbType.NChar, 5, "CustomerID"));
        //— Set up the INSERT Command
        sSQL = "INSERT INTO Customers " +
            " (CompanyName, ContactName, City, Region, CustomerID)" +
            " VALUES (@CompanyName, @ContactName, " +
                      " @City, @Region, @CustomerID)";
        oInsCmd = null;
        oInsCmd = new SqlCommand(sSQL, m_oCn);
        oInsCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
        oInsCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CompanyName", 
                               SqlDbType.NVarChar, 40, "CompanyName"));
        oInsCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ContactName", 
        SqlDbType.NVarChar, 30, "ContactName"));
        oInsCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@City", 
                               SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15, "City"));
        oInsCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Region", 
                               SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15, "Region"));
        oInsCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CustomerID", 
                               SqlDbType.NChar, 5, "CustomerID"));
        //— Set up the DELETE Command
        sSQL = "DELETE Customers " +
            " WHERE CustomerID = @CustomerID ";
        oDelCmd = null;
        oDelCmd = new SqlCommand(sSQL, m_oCn);
        oDelCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
        oDelCmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CustomerID", 
                               SqlDbType.NChar, 5, "CustomerID"));
        //— Create and set up the DataAdapter
        m_oDA = new SqlDataAdapter();
        m_oDA.SelectCommand = oSelCmd;
        m_oDA.UpdateCommand = oUpdCmd;
        m_oDA.DeleteCommand = oDelCmd;
        m_oDA.InsertCommand = oInsCmd;
        //— Destroy connection object
        m_oCn = null;

Figure 9 The CustomerOrder Class and its Constructor
// Public Class
// Purpose:   To relate the Customer to their Orders to their Order 
// Details
// Inherits:  Base_BusinessServices class
public class CustomerOrder : Base_BusinessServices 
    Customer m_oCustomer = null;
    Order m_oOrder = null;
    OrderDetail m_oOrderDetail = null;
    // Class Constructor (zero arguments)
    // Overloaded:    No
    public CustomerOrder()
        //— Create Customer, Order and Order Detail objects
        m_oCustomer = new Customer();
        m_oOrder = new Order();
        m_oOrderDetail = new OrderDetail();

Figure 10 GetData Method of the CustomerOrder Class
// Public Method
// Overloaded:    No
// Overrides:     Yes
// Parameters:    None
// Return Value:  DataSet
// Purpose:       Gets all Customer, Order and Order Detail records.
public override DataSet GetData()
    DataSet oDs = new DataSet();
    //— Retrieve Data for Customers, Order and Order Details
    DataTable oDt_Customer = null;
    DataTable oDt_Order = null;
    DataTable oDt_OrderDetail = null;
    oDt_Customer= m_oCustomer.GetData().Tables["Customer"].Copy();
    oDt_Order  = m_oOrder.GetData().Tables["Order"].Copy();
    oDt_OrderDetail = 
    //— Load all data into the DataSet
    //— Relate the Customers to Orders to Order Details
    //— Return the DataSet
    return oDs;

Figure 11 SaveData Method of the CustomerOrder Class
// Public Method
// Overloaded:    No
// Overrides:     Yes
// Parameters:    DataSet
// Return Value:  Status Message
// Purpose:       Saves all items that changed.
public override string SaveData(DataSet oDS)
    string sMsg;
    SqlTransaction oTran = null;
    //— Save the data
        //— Set up the conection manually
        //— Begin a transaction 
        oTran = m_oCn.BeginTransaction();
        //— Make all database changes
        sMsg = m_oCustomer.SaveData(oDS, m_oCn);
        if (sMsg.Length > 0) { throw (new Exception(sMsg)); }
        //— Make all database changes
        sMsg = m_oOrder.SaveData(oDS, m_oCn);
        if (sMsg.Length > 0) { throw (new Exception(sMsg)); }
        //— Make all database changes
        sMsg = m_oOrderDetail.SaveData(oDS, m_oCn);
        if (sMsg.Length > 0) { throw (new Exception(sMsg)); }
        //— Commit the changes
    catch (Exception e)
        //— An error occurred, so we roll the transaction back
        sMsg = "Records were not updated" + e.Message.ToString();
        //— Close the connection that we manually opened
        oTran = null;
        m_oCn = null;
        sMsg = "Records were updated successfully";
    return sMsg;