Compiler Error C3830

'type1': cannot inherit from 'type2', value types can only inherit from interface classes

A value type cannot inherit a base class. For more information, see Classes and Structs (Platform).

The following sample generates C3830:

// C3830a.cpp
// compile with: /clr /c
public value struct MyStruct4 {
   int i;

public value class MyClass : public MyStruct4 {};   // C3830

// OK
public interface struct MyInterface4 {
   void i();

public value class MyClass2 : public MyInterface4 {
   virtual void i(){}

Managed Extensions for C++

A __value type cannot inherit a base class.

The following sample generates C3830:

// C3830b.cpp
// compile with: /clr:oldSyntax /c
#using <mscorlib.dll>
__value struct v : public System::Object {};   // C3830
__value struct w {};   // OK