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CoordinateMapper.GetDepthFrameToCameraSpaceTable Method

Gets the depth frame to camera space look-up table.


Point^ GetDepthFrameToCameraSpaceTable()
public Point[] GetDepthFrameToCameraSpaceTable ()
var point = coordinateMapper.getDepthFrameToCameraSpaceTable();

Return value

Type: Point
The look-up table.


Each entry in the returned look-up table maps the corresponding depth frame pixel to a point in camera space. To find the X and Y coordinates of a depth point in camera space, multiply the depth pixel value by the coordinates in the corresponding entry in the look-up table. Note that depth pixel values are in millimeters.


Namespace: WindowsPreview.Kinect

Metadata: windowspreview.kinect.winmd

See also


CoordinateMapper Class
WindowsPreview.Kinect Namespace