DMSs must support changing the device friendly name through the presentationURL (NAME-50)

This manual test verifies that the digital media services test device provides a valid URI to a valid Web page that can be used to change the user-friendly name of the device.

If the URL is valid, the test loads the page in Internet Explorer and prompts the user to change the user-friendly name.

Test details

Associated requirement(s)


See the device hardware requirements.


Windows 7 (x64)
Windows 7 (x86)
Windows 8 (x64)
Windows 8 (x86)

Run time

~2 minutes

Running the test

Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements: Digital Media Server Testing Prerequisites.


For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Device.Media Testing.

More information

The test job completes the following steps

  1. Downloads the device description document of the device under test.

  2. Find the presentation URL entry in the DDD.

  3. Validate the URL by downloading the page.

  4. Loads the page in Internet Explorer and prompts the user to change the friendly name if the URL is valid.

  5. Rediscovers the device under test and verifies whether the name was changed.

Command syntax

Command option Description

NetMediaLogoTests.exe NETMEDIA_0017 /dmsID=[Query WDKData_DeviceUUID] /mhh=[WDKData_MHH]

Runs the test.

File list

File Location

