The WIA_IPS_LONG_DOCUMENT property is used by the WIA minidriver to report whether long document scanning is supported and by the WIA client application to enable this feature. The WIA minidriver creates and maintains this property.

Property Type: VT_I4

Valid Values: WIA_PROP_LIST

Access Rights: Read/Write


The following table describes the valid values for the WIA_IPS_LONG_DOCUMENT property.

Value Definition
WIA_LONG_DOCUMENT_DISABLED Long document scanning is disabled. This is the required default value if the property is supported.
WIA_LONG_DOCUMENT_ENABLED The device scans long documents up to the device's maximum possible length.WIA_IPS_PAGE_SIZE property must be set to WIA_PAGE_AUTO for this value to be accepted.
WIA_LONG_DOCUMENT_SPLIT Long documents are automatically split (and transferred as separate images) at current WIA_IPS_PAGE_SIZE length. The last scanned page can be shorter.

This property is optional, and is valid only for the Feeder data source item (represented in the WIA_IPA_ITEM_CATEGORY property as WIA_CATEGORY_FEEDER).


Header: wiadef.h (include Wiadef.h)