Profile drivers use IOCTL_BTHX_GET_VERSION to get the version supported by the transport driver.

Major code


Input buffer


Input buffer length


Output buffer

Profile drivers should use KMDF and its WdfRequestRetrieveOutputMemory method to retrieve output parameters. For example, to get the output buffer:

Status = WdfRequestRetrieveOutputMemory(_Request, &ReqOutMemory);

The buffer describes a BTHX_VERSION structure.

Refer to the WDK Bluetooth samples for more information.

Output buffer length

The length of the buffer is the size of the BTHX_VERSION structure.

Status block

The Information member of the STATUS_BLOCK structure is set to the size, in bytes, of the buffer that holds the BTHX_VERSION structure.

The Status member is set to one of the values in the following table.

Status value Description
STATUS_SUCCESS The IOCTL completed successfully.

Any unsuccessful NT status code prevents the driver from loading.


IOCTL_BTHX_GET_VERSION is a synchronous operation.

A transport driver can return one or more versions that it supports in BTHX_VERSION structure. If no version is set, Windows unloads the Bluetooth stack.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Supported starting with Windows 8.
Header bthxddi.h