IWDTFTarget2::GetInterface method (wdtf.h)

Returns an action for the target.


HRESULT GetInterface(
                 BSTR         WDTFInterfaceName,
                 VARIANT      Args,
  [in, optional] VARIANT      MonikerSuffix,
  [out, retval]  IWDTFAction2 **ppInterface




[in, optional] MonikerSuffix

An optional moniker that defines more options about how the interface should be instantiated.

This parameter is not yet implemented. Set MonikerSuffix to a VARIANT that contains VT_EMPTY.

[out, retval] ppInterface

The address of a variable that will receive the action.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


The GetInterface method is the most useful method in the WDTF object model. GetInterface enables you to simply locate a target-specific implementation of an action interface without caring about the specifics of the target.

To write a WDTF scenario, you must understand both the syntax and the semantics of the requested action interface.

For more information about the GetInterface method, see Controlling Targets.

For detailed descriptions of the interfaces that WDTF includes, see Action Interfaces.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP Professional
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Desktop
Header wdtf.h

See also
