InstallSelectedDriver function

The InstallSelectedDriver function is deprecated. For Windows Vista and later, use DiInstallDevice instead.


BOOL WINAPI InstallSelectedDriver(
  _In_  HWND     hwndParent,
  _In_  HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet,
  _In_  LPCTSTR  Reserved,
  _In_  BOOL     Backup,
  _Out_ PDWORD   bReboot


hwndParent [in]
A handle to the top-level window that the InstallSelectedDriver function uses to display user interface components that are associated with installing the driver.

DeviceInfoSet [in]
A handle to a device information set that contains a device information element that represents a selected device and a selected driver for the device. For more information about how to select a device and a driver for a device, see the following Remarks section.

Reserved [in]
This parameter must be set to NULL.

Backup [in]
A value of type BOOL that determines whether InstallSelectedDriver backs up the currently installed drivers for the selected device before the function installs the selected driver for the device. If the currently installed drivers are backed up and the user encounters a problem with the new driver, the user can roll back the installation of the new driver to the backed up driver. If the currently installed drivers are not backed up, the user cannot roll back the installation of the new driver to the previously installed driver. If Backup is set to TRUE, InstallSelectedDriver backs up the currently installed drivers; otherwise, the function does not back up the currently installed drivers. For more information about driver back up, see DiRollbackDriver.

bReboot [out]
A pointer to a variable of type DWORD that InstallSelectedDriver sets to indicate whether a system restart is required to complete the installation. If the variable is set to DI_NEEDREBOOT, a system restart is required; otherwise, a system restart is not required. The caller is responsible for restarting the system.

Return value

InstallSelectedDriver returns TRUE if the selected driver was installed on the selected device; otherwise, the function returns FALSE and the logged error can be retrieved by making a call to GetLastError.

Some of the more common error values that GetLastError might return are as follows:

Return code Description

The selected driver was a better match to the driver than the driver that was previously installed on the device.


The calling application is a 32-bit application that is attempting to execute in a 64-bit environment, which is not allowed. For more information, see Installing Devices on 64-Bit Systems.


To access InstallSelectedDriver, call LoadLibrary to load Newdev.dll and then call GetProcAddress to obtain a function pointer to InstallSelectedDriver.

You should only call InstallSelectedDriver if it is necessary to install a specific driver on a specific device.

Important   For Windows Vista and later versions of Windows, call DiInstallDevice instead of InstallSelectedDriver to perform this type of operation.

Other than the special applications that require the installation of a specific driver on a specific device, an installation application should install the driver that is the best match for a device. To install the driver that is the best match for a device, call DiInstallDriver or UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices. For more information about which of these functions to call to install a driver on a device, see SetupAPI Functions that Simplify Driver Installation.

Before calling InstallSelectedDriver, the caller must obtain a device information set that contains the device, select the device in the set, and select a driver for the device.

To create a device information set that contains the device, do one of the following:

  • Call SetupDiGetClassDevs to retrieve a device information set that contains the device and then call SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo to enumerate the devices in the device information set. On each call, SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo returns an SP_DEVINFO_DATA structure that represents the enumerated device in the device information set. To obtain specific information about the enumerated device, call SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty and supply the SP_DEVINFO_DATA structure that was returned by SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo.

    • OR -
  • Call SetupDiOpenDeviceInfo to add a device with a known device instance ID to the device information set. SetupDiOpenDeviceInfo returns an SP_DEVINFO_DATA structure that represents the device in the device information set.

After obtaining the SP_DEVINFO_DATA structure for a device, call SetupDiSetSelectedDevice to select the device in the device information set.

To retrieve a driver for a device, call SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList to build a list of compatible drivers for the device and then call SetupDiEnumDriverInfo to enumerate the elements of the driver list for the device. For each enumerated driver, SetupDiEnumDriverInfo retrieves an SP_DRVINFO_DATA structure that represents the driver. SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail can be called to retrieve additional details about an enumerated driver.

After obtaining an SP_DRVINFO_DATA structure for the driver, call SetupDiSetSelectedDriver to select the driver for the device.


Target platform



Available in Microsoft Windows 2000 and later versions of Windows.


None (The InstallSelectedDriver function is not defined in a public header file. For more information, see the Remarks section. )





See also











