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Poll routine

The Poll callback is the polling routine used in DirectX 5.0 and later. This replaces the polling routine documented in the PollingCallback section.


   DWORD        dwDeviceID,
   LPDWORD      lpdwMask,


  • dwDeviceID
    Indicates the joystick ID number being used.

  • lpdwMask
    Points to a DWORD mask that describes the data requested on entry, and the data returned on exit. The mask is a combination of the following:

    • JOYPD_X
      Bitmask for the dwX member of the VJPOLLDATA structure.

    • JOYPD_Y
      Bitmask for the dwY member of the VJPOLLDATA structure.

    • JOYPD_Z
      Bitmask for the dwZ member of the VJPOLLDATA structure.

    • JOYPD_R
      Bitmask for the dwR member of the VJPOLLDATA structure.

    • JOYPD_U
      Bitmask for the dwU member of the VJPOLLDATA structure.

    • JOYPD_V
      Bitmask for the dwV member of the VJPOLLDATA structure.

    • JOYPD_POV0
      Bitmask for the dwPOV0 member of the VJPOLLDATA structure.

    • JOYPD_POV1
      Bitmask for the dwPOV1 member of the VJPOLLDATA structure.

    • JOYPD_POV2
      Bitmask for the dwPOV2 member of the VJPOLLDATA structure.

    • JOYPD_POV3
      Bitmask for the dwPOV3 member of the VJPOLLDATA structure.

    • JOYPD_BTN0
      Bitmask for the dwBTN0 member of the VJPOLLDATA structure.

    • JOYPD_BTN1
      Bitmask for the dwBTN1 member of the VJPOLLDATA structure.

    • JOYPD_BTN2
      Bitmask for the dwBTN2 member of the VJPOLLDATA structure.

    • JOYPD_BTN3
      Bitmask for the dwBTN3 member of the VJPOLLDATA structure.

      Bitmask for the dwReserved0 member of the VJPOLLDATA structure.

      Bitmask for the dwReserved1 member of the VJPOLLDATA structure.

      Bitmask for all members of the VJPOLLDATA structure.

      Bitmask for the position attribute of the device.

      Bitmask for the velocity attribute of the device.

      Bitmask for the acceleration attribute of the device.

      Bitmask for the force attribute of the device.

      Bitmask for all possible attributes of the device.

  • lpPollData
    Points to the polling data.

Return value

Returns S_OK if the poll was completed successfully; returns S_FALSE if returned data is (partially or wholly) out of date; otherwise, returns an error code.


The upper and lower words of the lpdwMask parameter are treated separately. The lower word is a simple bitmask of the elements in the VJPOLLDATA structure. The upper word describes the attributes for which these elements are requested. The lpPollData parameter to the poll contains an array of at least as many VJPOLLDATA structures as there are bits set in the upper word of the mask.

The first VJPOLLDATA structure should contain the position information. The next three VJPOLLDATA structures should contain information about the acceleration, velocity, and force, in that order. For example, if the device only supports position and force, the first structure contains position data, the second and third structures are empty and, therefore, are skipped, and the fourth structure contains force information.

The minidriver should always set the mask to what it can return, even if the poll fails because the device is unplugged. So if the device has less than 33 buttons, X, Y, and R, for position only, it should perform an operation such as the following before searching for the available data:


If the device can return data for more than one attribute, the upper word has a bit set for each attribute and the lower word should have the bit set for any element that can be returned for any of the supported attributes. So even though force is an unlikely value for the button masks (which are single-bit), if the device reports buttons in the position data and force for X and Y, then position, force, X, Y, and buttons should all have their bits set.



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