FilterInstanceFindNext function (fltuser.h)

The FilterInstanceFindNext function continues a minifilter driver instance search started by a call to FilterInstanceFindFirst.


HRESULT FilterInstanceFindNext(
  [in]  HANDLE                     hFilterInstanceFind,
  [in]  INSTANCE_INFORMATION_CLASS dwInformationClass,
  [out] LPVOID                     lpBuffer,
  [in]  DWORD                      dwBufferSize,
  [out] LPDWORD                    lpBytesReturned


[in] hFilterInstanceFind

Minifilter instance search handle returned by a previous call to FilterInstanceFindFirst.

[in] dwInformationClass

The type of instance information structure returned. This parameter must contain one of the following values.

Value Meaning
InstanceBasicInformation Return an INSTANCE_BASIC_INFORMATION structure for the instance.
InstanceFullInformation Return an INSTANCE_FULL_INFORMATION structure for the instance.
InstancePartialInformation Return an INSTANCE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION structure for the instance.
InstanceAggregateStandardInformation Return an INSTANCE_AGGREGATE_STANDARD_INFORMATION structure for the instance. The LegacyFilter portion of the structure is not utilized. This structure is available starting with Windows Vista.

[out] lpBuffer

Pointer to a caller-allocated buffer that receives the requested information. The type of the information returned in the buffer is defined by the dwInformationClass parameter.

[in] dwBufferSize

Size, in bytes, of the buffer that the lpBuffer parameter points to. The caller should set this parameter according to the given dwInformationClass.

[out] lpBytesReturned

Pointer to a caller-allocated variable that receives the number of bytes returned in the buffer that lpBuffer points to if the call to FilterInstanceFindNext succeeds. This parameter is required and cannot be NULL.

Return value

FilterInstanceFindNext returns S_OK if successful. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error value, such as one of the following:

Return code Description
The buffer pointed to by lpBuffer is not large enough to contain the requested information. When this value is returned, lpBytesReturned will contain the size, in bytes, of the buffer required for the given dwInformationClass structure.
An invalid value was specified for the dwInformationClass parameter. For example, if InstanceAggregateStandardInformation is specified for an operating system prior to Windows Vista, FilterInstanceFindNext returns this HRESULT value.
This HRESULT value is returned if there are no more unique instances of the minifilter.


After the search handle is established by calling FilterInstanceFindFirst, call FilterInstanceFindNext to search for other instances for the minifilter specified in the call to FilterInstanceFindFirst.

FilterInstanceFindNext finds one instance per call.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Universal
Header fltuser.h (include FltUser.h)
Library FltLib.lib
DLL FltLib.dll

See also

