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ISoftHIDProtocolXlator::WriteInputReport Method

The WriteInputReport method sends a HID report to the host.


HRESULT WriteInputReport(
  [in]  SAFEARRAY psaInputReport


  • psaInputReport [in]
    A pointer to SAFEARRAY of unsigned char values that contain the raw bytes of the HID report. The caller can free this array after WriteInputReport returns.

Return Value

WriteInputReport returns S_OK if the operation succeeds. This method can return other standard COM return values.


The WriteInputReport method adds the HID report to the device's interrupt-IN endpoint data queue and returns. A successful return from this method does not indicate that the host has successfully retrieved the HID report from the controller. The only way for a device simulator to check whether the host has received the report is to use Microsoft Win32 or other API functions to retrieve the input to the system. For example, after a keyboard simulator calls WriteInputReport to send a keystroke to the host, it could check for a WM_CHAR message that is addressed to the window that currently has input focus.

The following C++ code example shows you how to call WriteInputReport.

 HRESULT WriteInputReport
 ISoftHIDProtocolXlator *piSoftHIDProtocolXlator,
    BYTE                   *pbReport,
    unsigned int cbReport
    HRESULT     hr          = S_OK;
    SAFEARRAY  *psaReport   = NULL;
    BYTE HUGEP *pbArrayData = NULL;

 psaReport = ::SafeArrayCreateVector(VT_UI1, 0, cbReport);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = ::SafeArrayAccessData(psaReport, &pbArrayData);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            ::memcpy(pbArrayData, pbReport, cbReport);
            hr = ::SafeArrayUnaccessData(psaReport);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                hr = piSoftHIDProtocolXlator->WriteInputReport(psaReport);




See Also




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Build date: 9/21/2010