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Escape routine

The Escape callback escapes to the driver. It is called in response to an application invoking the IDirectInputEffect::Escape or IDirectInputDevice::Escape methods.


   DWORD         dwDeviceID,
   DWORD         dwEffectID,


  • dwDeviceID
    Indicates the joystick ID number being used.

  • dwEffectID
    Specifies the effect at which the command is directed. This value is zero if the command is directed at the device itself and not at any particular effect.

  • lpEscape
    Points to a DIEFFESCAPE structure that contains the command block.

Return value

Returns S_OK if successful; otherwise returns a DIERR_* error code, or a custom error code in the range DIERR_DRIVERFIRST through DIERR_DRIVERLAST.



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