MODM_RESET function

WINMM sends the MODM_RESET message to the modMessage function of a MIDI output driver to stop output from the output queue and to turn off any notes that are playing.


DWORD modMessage(
   UINT      uDeviceID,
   UINT      uMsg,
   DWORD_PTR dwUser,
   DWORD_PTR dwParam1,
   DWORD_PTR dwParam2


  • uDeviceID
    Specifies the ID of the target device. Device IDs are sequential and have an initial value of zero and a final value that is equal to one less than the number of devices that the driver supports.

  • uMsg
    WINMM sets this parameter to MODM_RESET when it calls modMessage to process this message.

  • dwUser
    Use this parameter to return instance data to the driver. Drivers that support multiple clients can use this instance data to track the client that is associated with the message.

  • dwParam1
    Not used.

  • dwParam2
    Not used.

Return value

The modMessage function returns MMSYSERR_NOERROR if the operation is successful. Otherwise, it returns MMSYSERR_NOTENABLED to indicate that the driver failed to load or initialize.


If the output queue of the MIDI output driver is not empty, it must stop all pending data blocks and mark them as done by setting the MHDR_DONE bit in the dwFlags field of the MIDIHDR structure for each block. The driver must then notify the client by using DriverCallback to send a MOM_DONE message for each data block.

If the device is an output port, the driver must send a MIDI note-off event for all 128 notes on all 16 channels. Optionally, the driver can track the notes that are turned on and send note-off events for only those notes. In addition, the driver must send a 'damper pedal off' event (controller 0x40) for each channel. If the device is an internal synthesizer, the driver must turn off any notes that are playing.


Target platform



Available in Windows XP and later Windows operating systems.


Mmddk.h (include Mmddk.h, Mmsystem.h, or Windows.h)

See also


