IPrinterScriptUsbJobContext::ReturnCodes method

Returns an object that can supply return code values that an IHV has defined for their JavaScript functions.


HRESULT ReturnCodes(
  [out, retval] IPrinterScriptUsbJobContextReturnCodes **ppReturnCodes


ppReturnCodes [out, retval]
The return code values for the IHV JavaScript functions. The return code values are represented by the IPrinterScriptUsbJobContextReturnCodes interface.

Return value

This method returns an HRESULT value.


The IHV must develop an interface that implements a property bag associated with the current print job. The IHV JavaScript functions can then use this property bag to store properties or data that is specific to the print job that is currently being processed. This property bag exists for the duration of the current job only.


Minimum supported client: Windows 8.1

Minimum supported server: Windows Server 2012 R2

Target platform: Desktop

See also

