StorageFile.GetSearchHits | getSearchHits method

Gets the search hits specified in a query.


var iMap = storageFile.getSearchHits(queryOptions);
public IDictionary<String, IVectorView> GetSearchHits(
  QueryOptions queryOptions
Public Function GetSearchHits(
  queryOptions As QueryOptions 
) As IDictionary(Of String, IVectorView)
IMap<String, IVectorView>^ GetSearchHits(
  QueryOptions^ queryOptions


  • queryOptions
    Type: QueryOptions

    The object that specifies the query.

Return value

Type: IMap<String, IVectorView> [JavaScript/C++] | System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<String, IVectorView> [.NET]

When this method completes, it returns the object that you use to get the hits.


The example code demonstrates how to use GetSearchHits.

// simple AQS case
var hitFinder = new Windows.Storage.Search.HitFinder(“tree”, “en-us”);
var hits = hitFinder.Find("a string value with tree, there are multiple hits for tree in this string”);
hits.forEach(function(hit) {

var hitFinder = new Windows.Storage.Search.HitFinder(“tree”);
var hits = hitFinder.Find("a string value with tree, there are multiple hits for tree in this string”);
hits.forEach(function(hit) {

// composed with a file query
var DocLibrary = Windows.Storage.KnownFolders.DocumentsLibrary;
var queryOptions = new Windows.Storage.Search.QueryOptions;
queryOptions.indexerOption =
queryOptions.UserSearchFilter = “tree”;
queryOptions.Language = “en-us”;
var queryResult = DocLibrary.CreateFileQueryWithOptions(queryOptions);
queryResult.getFilesAsync().done(function (files)
    files.forEach(function (file) {
        var filehits = file.GetSearchHits(queryOptions);
        var hits = filehits.Lookup(“System.FileName”);
        if (hits.size != 0)
            var txt = document.getElementById("FileNameTextBox");
            hits.forEach(function(hit) { 
                // Highlight each hit in the text contained in the
                // “txt” element (which contains the text from the 
                // “System.FileName” property).  
        // Continue this pattern for every text control displayed
        // in the UI that contains property values for this “file”. 

// write the sample that demonstrates utilizing the query result, the
// query hits property, iterating over those query hit property values
// and using this method.

// consider construting this from the StorageFile result

// consider how data binding works with this and write the end to end on that.

var hits = hitFinder.FindMatchingXXX(stringToFindIn, fileResult);
hits.forEach(function(hits) {


Minimum supported client

Windows 8.1 Preview

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2012 R2 Preview


Windows.Storage Windows::Storage [C++]



See also




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Build date: 10/2/2013